Two CLI integration tests are dependent on the LANG of the system. To reroduce, run:
export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 sbt IntegrationTest/test
This results in the the following test failures:
- org.apache.daffodil.parsing.TestCLIparsing.test_1002_CLI_Parsing_negativeTest03
- org.apache.daffodil.parsing.TestCLIparsing.test_CLI_Parsing_XCatalog_Resolution_Failure
These tests expect error strings like "No such file or directory". But that string comes from the system and is dependent on the LANG variable. For example, with LANG set to de_DE, you get the error "Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden" and so the integration test fails.
Instead of checking for a specific error message, we should chnage these tests to look for something generic or just check the exit code like other tests do.