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  1. Daffodil
  2. DAFFODIL-2441

Compiling a non DFDL schema with warnings turned off results in an Abort



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 3.0.0
    • 3.5.0
    • Front End


      Say we accidentally try to compile a non-DFDL schema (i.e. a schema without the DFDL namespace prefix defined). In this case we get a warning like so:

      [warning] Schema Definition Warning: Non-DFDL Schema file ignored. Does not have DFDL namespace definition on schema root element.

      In this case, we simply do not generate a parser, and the warning alerts that user as to why.

      But if we try to compile the same schema with warinings disabled (i.e. suppressSchemaDefinitionWarnings=all), then we get the following invariant:

      org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Abort: Invariant broken: diags.length.>(0)
      	at org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert$.abort(Assert.scala:129)
      	at org.apache.daffodil.compiler.Compiler.org$apache$daffodil$compiler$Compiler$$compileSourceInternal(Compiler.scala:332)
      	at org.apache.daffodil.compiler.Compiler$.org$apache$daffodil$compiler$Compiler$$compileSourceSynchronizer(Compiler.scala:367)
      	at org.apache.daffodil.compiler.Compiler.compileSource(Compiler.scala:314)

      This assertion is hit if the processor factory returns an error during compilation (which occurs in this case because we don't have a DFDL schema) but does not have any diagnostics related to the error. In this case, we don't have any diagnostics because we disabled the warning that we would normally output.

      Some potential solutions:
      1. Change the SDW to an SDE, so the diagnostic cannot be ignored. This might seem reasonable, but it is allowed to import a non-DFDL schema into a DFDL schema, so we need to ensure that this case is either still an SDW or does not create a diagnostic. So there might be different cases where this is an SDE vs SDW.
      1. Just remove this invariant check, since this is case where pf.isError can be true, but there is no related diagnostic. However, that might be unhelpful since it's not uncommon for users to suppress all warnings, and so the user gets no indication that a parser was not created.




            mikemcgann Mike McGann
            slawrence Steve Lawrence
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            2 Start watching this issue

