Setting the bitOrder in the middle of a schema appears to have no effect.
Consider the following schema:
<xs:element name="changeOnSequence" dfdl:lengthKind='implicit'>
<xs:sequence dfdl:bitOrder="mostSignificantBitFirst">
<xs:element name="A" type="xs:unsignedInt" dfdl:length="8"/>
<xs:element name="B" type="xs:unsignedInt" dfdl:length="8"/>
<xs:sequence dfdl:bitOrder="leastSignificantBitFirst" dfdl:byteOrder="littleEndian">
<xs:element name="C" type="xs:unsignedInt" dfdl:length="8" dfdl:bitOrder="leastSignificantBitFirst" dfdl:byteOrder="littleEndian"/>
<xs:element name="D" type="xs:unsignedInt" dfdl:length="8"/>
With the following test:
<tdml:parserTestCase name="bitOrderChangeOnSequence"
root="changeOnSequence" model="s6" description="Tests changing bitOrder when on a byte boundary.">
<document xmlns="">
<documentPart type="bits">
0000 0001
0000 0001
1000 0000
1000 0000
<tdml:dfdlInfoset xmlns:xs=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
(both snippets are in attached tdml as test name bitOrderChangeOnSequence. The attached TDML is an uncommited modified version of section05/simple_types/BitOrder.tdml )
The actual result of parsing is:
Note that the above schema attempts to change the bit order in 2 different ways:
1) On a sequence, and
2) On an element itself.
Neither approach has any results.
A possibly related issue is that ommiting the dfdl:byteOrder="littleEndian" on the xs:element results in an SDE, despite the fact that such is set on the enclosing sequence.