According to JSR-339 spec, section 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, we need follow different sorting rule for MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWritter:
For MessageBodyReader, it is:
<h3> 2. Identify the Java type of the parameter whose value will be mapped from the entity body. Section 3.7</h3>
describes how the Java method is chosen.
<h3>3. Select the set of MessageBodyReader classes that support the media type of the request, see Section 4.2.3. </h3>
For MessageBodyWritter, it is:
<h3>4. Sort the selected MessageBodyWriter providers with a primary key of generic type where providers whose generic type is the nearest superclass of the object class are sorted first and a secondary key of media type (see Section 4.2.3).</h3>
But in our implementation, we use the same sorting rule:
1. compareClasses() ->compareSortedMediaTypes()
This caused an issue in
Actually we need to adjust the MessageBodyReader sorting method.