As of now CXF JAX-RS implementation applies global filters once per each (sub-)resource level.
E.g. with resources defined as below any global filter is applied twice on a call to sub-resource:
@Path("/groups") public interface GroupsResource { @Path("/{id}/members") MembersResource membersOf(@PathParam("id") String id); } ----- public interface MembersResource { @GET @Path("/{memberId}") MemberInfo get(@PathParam("memberId") String id); } GET
This may feel counter-intuitive in some cases and introduces certain overhead. E.g. if you have your auth-filter defined as global.
Following our conversation in CXF-6297 could you please consider to change filter chain logic so that global filters are applied once per request disregard whether this request is made to a root resource or to a sub-resource of any level.
Filter should be called with a full request context including actual URI info and path params, as it would be a last filter invocation in current implementation. E.g. in example above uriInfo should be passed as /groups/123/members/456 (not /main/123/members), and path params should have both id and memberId.