Trying to extend wadl generator is a pain today (= implies duplication). Would be great to get more protected method to do it faster.
Here some of them (well the one I hoped ):
- preEndMethod: in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.model.wadl.WadlGenerator#handleOperation before writing </method>. That's basically the symmetric of org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.model.wadl.WadlGenerator#startMethodTag
- startMethodTag should be IMO protected too
- pre/post <request />, <response />, <resource /> (startResourceTag protected for pre part)
Basically idea is to be able to add before or after playing with super:
public class MyWadlGenerator extends WadlGenerator { @Override protected void startResourceTag(StringBuilder sb, Class<?> serviceClass, String path) { super.startResourceTag(sb, serviceClass, path); sb.append(...); } }
Personally I desire it for resources and methods but request and response would be nice to have.
PS: handleGrammars is nice for its pupose IMO