Annotations inherited from interface not merged with annotations from implementing method
example interface
public interface DocumentResource { @GET @Produces("application/xml") @Path("/document") Document getDocument(@QueryParam("objectId") String objectId); }
example implementation method
public class DocumentResourceImpl implements DocumentResource { @XSLTTransform(value="stylesheets/document.xsl", type = XSLTTransform.TransformType.CLIENT) @Override public Document getDocument(String objectId) { } }
when i place breakpoint in in method isWriteable
i see only three annotations in anns variable: @GET, @Produces, @PATH, and don't see @XSLTTransform.
Is this expected behavior?
Doc only states "Similarly, annotations can be inherited from super-classes. In CXF, the resource class will inherit the class-level annotations from both its implemented interfaces and any class it extends."
and don't mention annotations from implementing method