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  1. CXF
  2. CXF-5744

@XmlTransient behavior change in WSDL fault content



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.7.7, 2.7.11, 3.0.1
    • 2.7.13, 3.0.2
    • JAXB Databinding
    • None
    • Unknown


      We have an exception hierarchy that is exposed in the WSDL. We are explicitly hiding the message field derived from Throwable by adding @XmlTransient to an overridden getter method in our base exception class.

      For versions of CXF prior to 2.7.7, the dynamically-generated WSDL does not contain the message field. For 2.7.7 and later, the field is included in the WSDL fault definition.

      Here's our base exception class:

      package common.exception;
      import java.util.Arrays;
      import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
      import javax.xml.ws.WebFault;
      import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
       * Common exception class.
      @WebFault(name = "businessFault", targetNamespace = "http://example.com/common")
      public class BusinessException extends Exception {
           * Default serial version UID.
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
           * Message to be used for the exception (could be internationalized).
          private String businessMessage;
           * Details associated with the error. These are optional, and can be used as replacement parameters if the error message is a
           * pattern.
          private String[] details;
           * The simple class name of the business error; initially used for type information.
          private String errorType;
           * Initializes an instance of <code>BusinessException</code> with the default data. This constructor must only be used during
           * remote instantiation (such as JAXB unmarshalling).
          public BusinessException() {
           * Initializes an instance of <code>BusinessException</code> with the provided data. This constructor must only be used when
           * encapsulating a <code>BusinessException</code> not declared in the service API.
           * @param undeclaredException the exception being encapsulated
          public BusinessException(BusinessException undeclaredException) {
              businessMessage = undeclaredException.getBusinessMessage();
              details = undeclaredException.getDetails();
              errorType = undeclaredException.getClass().getSimpleName();
           * Initializes an instance of <code>BusinessException</code> with the provided data.
           * @param businessMessage the message communicated to clients for this failure; if this is a format pattern, any detail information
           *            provided will be substituted into the pattern for display
           * @param cause the third-party (or non-business) exception to encapsulate
           * @param details associated with the business failure
           * @see String#format(String, Object...)
          public BusinessException(String businessMessage, Exception cause, String... details) {
              this.businessMessage = businessMessage;
              this.details = details;
              errorType = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
           * Initializes an instance of <code>BusinessException</code> with the provided data.
           * @param businessMessage the message communicated to clients for this failure; if this is a format pattern, any detail information
           *            provided will be substituted into the pattern for display
           * @param details associated with the business failure
           * @see String#format(String, Object...)
          public BusinessException(String businessMessage, String... details) {
              this(businessMessage, null, details);
           * Retrieves the value for {@link #businessMessage}.
           * @return the current value
          public String getBusinessMessage() {
              return businessMessage;
           * Retrieves the value for {@link #details}.
           * @return the current value
          public String[] getDetails() {
              return ArrayUtils.clone(details);
           * Retrieves the value for {@link #errorType}.
           * @return the current value
          public String getErrorType() {
              return errorType;
           * {@inheritDoc}. Required implementation.
           * @see java.lang.Throwable#getMessage()
          public String getMessage() {
              if (businessMessage != null) {
                  return String.format(businessMessage, (Object[]) details);
              return super.getMessage();
           * Provides a value for {@link #details}.
           * @param details the new value to set
          public void setDetails(String[] details) {
              if (null != details) {
                  this.details = Arrays.copyOf(details, details.length);
           * Provides a value for {@link #errorType}.
           * @param errorType the new value to set
          public void setErrorType(String errorType) {
              this.errorType = errorType;
           * Provides a value for {@link #businessMessage}.
           * @param message the new value to set
          public void setMessage(String message) {
              businessMessage = message;


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              dkulp Daniel Kulp
              ms185252 Michael Schechter
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