Actually JAXWSMethodInvoker and AbstractJAXWSMethodInvoker contain code to copy request soap headers (except security one) to SOAP Fault: AbstractJAXWSMethodInvoker.updateHeader().
I see some use cases when it is not really desired:
1) Request SOAP headers contains some labelling information about request elements and they make sense only with request
2) Request SOAP headers extending request elements with meta-information
If request headers are copied into fault response, they can be invalid in response context and cause undesired effects:
a) it makes response processing on the client side more difficult, especially if processing interceptor is called before incoming fault message is recognized and placed into exchange.getInFaultMessage()
b) response fault message has larger size
Proposal is to define context property that give user the possibility to switch-off coping request headers into fault response.
Patch is attached.