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  1. CXF
  2. CXF-2284

org.apache.cxf.BusException: No binding factory for namespace http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/ registered."



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.1.5
    • 2.3, 2.2.11
    • Soap Binding
    • None
    • Win XP

    • Unknown


      I am writing a Component using CXF to consume an AXIS webservice hosted on Tomcat.The component works absolutely fine as a standalone application on eclipse , but things get worst when i integrate it with rest of project which has another component exposing CXF Webservice . I am using CXF 2.1.5 accross my application (for consuming and producing) .
      Following spring configuration was used to create stub .

      <bean id="accountService" class="org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean">
      <property name="serviceInterface" value="x.y.AccountManagerPortType" />
      <property name="wsdlDocumentUrl" value="http://xyz:8084/someName/services/AccountManager?wsdl" />
      <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://x.y" />
      <property name="serviceName" value="AccountManager" />
      <property name="portName" value="AccountManagerSOAP11port_http" />

      Spring logs show that spring is not able to create AccountManagerSOAP11port_http.jaxws-client.proxy .
      CXF logging was enable by following configuration
      <cxf:logging />
      to notice that CXF is able to send and recieve message ,but its returning back a null object.Initially it appeared to me as if it is some issue with SOAPHandler or jaxb .After some debugging i noticed that spring is getting an exception while creating above service the exception was
      "org.apache.cxf.BusException: No binding factory for namespace http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/ registered ".
      I wasn't able to get a stack trace, because spring was eating up the exception and rather giving a friendly message which didn't make much sense to me except that it failed to create "AccountManagerSOAP11port_http.jaxws-client.proxy " .

      Below is a snapshot of eclipse in debug persepective

      this DefaultListableBeanFactory (id=257)
      ex WebServiceException (id=485)
      cause ServiceConstructionException (id=629)
      cause BusException (id=633)
      cause BusException (id=633)
      detailMessage null
      message Message (id=638)
      bundle PropertyResourceBundle (id=641)
      code "NO_BINDING_FACTORY_EXC" (id=644)
      parameters Object[1] (id=645)
      stackTrace null
      detailMessage "org.apache.cxf.BusException: No binding factory for namespace http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/ registered." (id=636) message null
      stackTrace null
      detailMessage "org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException" (id=632) stackTrace null
      beanName "subscriberService" (id=488)
      bean JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean (id=440)
      mbd RootBeanDefinition (id=490)
      wrappedBean JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean (id=440)

      I googled this exception and found that many people have reported same problem and for most of queries the cause is suggested to be missing CXF-extension-soap.xml or cxf-rt-bindings-soap-2.1.3.jar missing in classpath .But in my case i have both of them

      I have following spring imports in spring configuration

      <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
      <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml" />
      <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml" />

      and cxf-rt-bindings-soap-2.1.3.jar is present in web-inf/lib of the war file .
      I added some more imports ,but didn't prooved to be any help .

      <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml"/>
      <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxws.xml"/>
      <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml"/>
      <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-management.xml"/>
      <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml"/>
      <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-addr.xml"/>

      I tried another approach to consume webservice .
      <beans default-init-method="beanInit" default-destroy-method="beanDestroy"
      xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
      xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd
      http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-2.5.xsd
      http://cxf.apache.org/jaxws http://cxf.apache.org/schemas/jaxws.xsd">

      <jaxws:client id="accountService"

      I wasn't able to get any exception while debugging , but i am facing the same issue as with previous approach , CXF logs inbound and outbound messages , but its returning me a null object .

      This has become a blocking issue for me and my team ,i am stuck on this issue since past week .
      Please advise any possible solution .


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