The documentation on WSDL2Java says about the parameter "-b": "Specifies zero, or more, JAXWS or JAXB binding files." In fact, WSDL2Java can not handle specified JAXB binding files if the WSDL is split, i.e. it is given a WSDL with service and binding definitions, which imports another WSDL with port type and messages definitions, which in turn imports an XML schema file.
The command line "wsdl2java -validate -b jaxb-custom.xjb hello-world-service.wsdl" will fail with
WSDLToJava Error: Thrown by JAXB : "file:/home/jheilgei/DEV/workspaces/cxf-mini/hello-world-service.wsdl" is not a part of this compilation. Is this a mistake for "file:/home/jheilgei/DEV/workspaces/cxf-mini/hello-world-abstract.wsdl"?
while the command line "wsdl2java -validate -xjc-b,jaxb-custom.xjb hello-world-service.wsdl" which gives the binding file directly to the JAXB binding compiler will succeed.