Looks like XFIRE-496 ( was never fixed or carried over to CXF.
I'm getting an error from my Eclipse Jax-ws validator for the code created by wsdl2java: JSR-181 3.1: name element cannot be used with endpointInterface.
According to JSR181 section 3.1, if an Interface has an Impl, the @WebService annotation on the Impl class must only have serviceName and endpointInterface attributes. The other attributes (name, portName, targetNamespace, wsdlLocation) must be on the Interface class @WebService annotation.
java2wsdl creates this on the Impl class (removed data between quotes) but should only have serviceName and endpointImpl:
@javax.jws.WebService(name = "",
serviceName = "",
portName = "",
targetNamespace = "",
wsdlLocation = "",
endpointInterface = "")
and this on the Interface class (missing serviceName, portName, wsdlLocation):
@WebService(targetNamespace = "", name = "")
java2wsdl appears to work correctly with the annotations in the proper place in the SEI and Impl classes.