I found a problem where wsdl2java generates wrong types for fields in my request-wrapper classes.
This seems to happen on Arrays of primitive types and for generic types like List<Long>.
I have done the following:
- Used the Java first approach and wrote an annotated interface, e.g.
public interface MyWebServiceInterface
{ @WebMethod(action = "storeDocument") public abstract PostStageItem storeDocument( @WebParam(name="receivers") List<Long> receivers, @WebParam(name="item") PreStageDocument item, @WebParam(name="binaryContent") byte[] binaryContent, @WebParam(name="fileName") String fileName) }- used JavaToWS as follows:
<java classname="" fork="true">
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="src/ws/META-INF/wsdl/MyWebService.wsdl"/>
<arg value="-databinding"/>
<arg value="jaxb"/>
<arg value="-wsdl"/>
<arg value="-wrapperbean"/>
<arg value="-verbose"/>
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg value="src/ws"/>
<arg value="com.mycompany.mywebservice.MyWebServiceInterface"/>
<path refid="cxf.classpath"/>
The result is that JavaToWS generates the WSDL as I would expect.
But the tool fails to generate the request-wrapper classes. But the output is wrong like that:
@XmlRootElement(name = "storeDocument", namespace = "")
@XmlType(name = "storeDocument", namespace = "", propOrder =
public class StoreDocument {
@XmlElement(name = "receivers")
private java.lang.Long receivers;
@XmlElement(name = "item")
private abaxx.postbox.staging.PreStageDocument item;
@XmlElement(name = "binaryContent")
private PreStageDocument binaryContent;
@XmlElement(name = "fileName")
private java.lang.String fileName;
... <the getters and setters>...
This output is really unexpected. I would expect a List<Long> for "receivers" and a byte[] for "binaryContent".
I debugged the problem and found it in
In this class the types of the parameters are determined with:
final Type[] paramClasses = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
Later in buildFields() a loop is started for these parameters and they are analyzed.
In my example, the type of the field "receivers" is a ParameterizedType instance (List<Long<). The code takes the first generic type argument, wich is Long, and use it as type for the property in the request wrapper. This is wrong. It should generate List<Long> instead.
In the second case the type for the field "binaryContent" is determined as GenericArrayType. The method fails totally and uses PreStageDocument as type in the request-wrapper. This is because PreStageDocument was the last value of the "type" variable in the buildFields()loop and none of the if and else-if-conditions were true. I think this should at least throw an exception if no type for the field can be found.
Maybe this problem also exists on the response-wrapper generator, but I didnt test this.