//代码占位符 @Test public void testPrintWithEscapeReader() throws IOException { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withEscape('!').withQuoteMode(QuoteMode.NONE); Reader reader = new FileReader("src/test/resources/testPrintWithReader.txt"); try (final CSVPrinter printer = new CSVPrinter(sw, format)) { printer.print(reader); assertEquals("q!,w!,e", sw.toString()); } }
and the values in testPrintWithReader.txt is
after tracing the code I think the problem cause by here
//代码占位符 private void printWithEscapes(final Reader reader, final Appendable out) throws IOException { int start = 0; int pos = 0; final char delim = getDelimiter(); final char escape = getEscapeCharacter().charValue(); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(IOUtils.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); int c; while (-1 != (c = { builder.append((char) c); if (c == CR || c == LF || c == delim || c == escape) { // write out segment up until this char if (pos > start) { out.append(builder.substring(start, pos)); builder.setLength(0); } if (c == LF) { c = 'n'; } else if (c == CR) { c = 'r'; } out.append(escape); out.append((char) c); start = pos + 1; // start on the current char after this one } pos++; } // write last segment if (pos > start) { out.append(builder.substring(start, pos)); } }
that line
will cause the exception. After delete that line , the testcase will passed.
is that a bug? may be I could contribute to it
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