I wish to introduce some major features in the Commons CSV that I found really necessary while dealing with CSV file parsing requirements of an ERP for a University.
1.Custom Exceptions:
Exceptions to be raised when incorrectly formatted CSVs are parsed specifying the row number mentioning reasons like incorrect number of columns.
2. Export to JSON:
PostgreSQL Supports direct import of JSON Code. So to insert data from a CSV into the database I had to first convert it to JSON and then make the insert. If we could have an option to do this directly it would be a lot more time saving.
3.New Class CSVFile
I wish to introduce a new class CSVFile which shall have the entire contents of the CSV stored in nested Array Lists.
I shall have the following methods in the class:
void CSVFile(CSVParser);
void CSVFile(Object [][],boolean has_headers);
void CSVFile(JSON Array,boolean allow_blanks);
void CSVFile(String text,String cell_delimiter,String line_delimiter,boolean force_headerSchema);
String CSVFile.toString();
JSONArray CSVFile.toJSONArray();
Object[][] CSVFile.toArray();
ResultSet CSVFile.toResultSet();
ArrayList<Object[]> CSVFile.toArrayList();
ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> CSVFile.toNestedArrayList();
String CSVFile.toString();
CSVFile.setColumnHeader(int col_number);
String CSVFile.getCell(int row_number,String header);
String CSVFile.getCell(int row_number,int col_number);
CSVFile.setCell(int row_number,int col_number,String value);
CSVFile.setCell(int row_number,String header,String value);
JSONObject CSVFile.getRowJSON();
CSVFile CSVFile.getColumns(Arraylist<String> headers);
CSVFile CSVFile.getRows(extractor());
public boolean include(CSVRecord record)
void CSVFile.removeRow(int row_number);
void CSVFile.remove Section(int start_row,int end_row);
void CSVFile.CSVFile.removeRows(extractor());
void CSVFile.removeColumn(int col_number);
void CSVFile.removeColumn(String header);