I added archive properies based on the example provided in the official 7zip code and was able to decompress it properly using the 7zip tool, but when I decompress it using commons-compress I get the following error(The COMMPRESS-681.7z is in attachment):
Below is the output I receive: invalid property size
at org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.SevenZFile.sanityCheckArchiveProperties(
at org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.SevenZFile.sanityCheckAndCollectStatistics(
at org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.SevenZFile.readHeader(
at org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.SevenZFile.initializeArchive(
at org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.SevenZFile.readHeaders(
at org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.SevenZFile.<init>(
at org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.SevenZFile.<init>(
Example of writing to an archive file from the official 7zip source code, 7zOut.cpp:
/* { // It's example for per archive properies writing WriteByte(NID::kArchiveProperties); // you must use random 40-bit number that will identify you // then you can use same kDeveloperID for any properties and methods const UInt64 kDeveloperID = 0x123456789A; // change that value to real random 40-bit number #define GENERATE_7Z_ID(developerID, subID) (((UInt64)0x3F << 56) | ((UInt64)developerID << 16) | subID) { const UInt64 kSubID = 0x1; // you can use small number for subID const UInt64 kID = GENERATE_7Z_ID(kDeveloperID, kSubID); WriteNumber(kID); const unsigned kPropsSize = 3; // it's example size WriteNumber(kPropsSize); for (unsigned i = 0; i < kPropsSize; i++) WriteByte((Byte)(i & 0xFF)); } { const UInt64 kSubID = 0x2; // you can use small number for subID const UInt64 kID = GENERATE_7Z_ID(kDeveloperID, kSubID); WriteNumber(kID); const unsigned kPropsSize = 5; // it's example size WriteNumber(kPropsSize); for (unsigned i = 0; i < kPropsSize; i++) WriteByte((Byte)(i + 16)); } WriteByte(NID::kEnd); } */