Status: Closed
Resolution: Duplicate
In most businesses, transactional messaging is frequently used to make a series of operations as an atomic transaction.
At present, RocketMQ doesn't support transactional messaging, there is a potential need for a database implementation to solve the implement transaction mechanism. But a database system heavyweight and can't meet the high-performance demand.
In messaging domain, there is a simpler and more efficient distributed transaction solution than 2PC/XA/3PC protocols:
Implement a TransactionProducer and LocalTransactionChecker, guarantee message delivery and local transaction operations are atomic.
The following is the simple transactional messaging flow:
1. TransactionProducer sends a half message to the broker. A half message means it's not confirmed and can't be delivered to the consumer.
2. TransactionProducer executes the specific local transaction.
3. Commit or Rollback the half message according to the status of the local transaction. A half message will be deleted if it's rollbacked and delivered to the consumer if it's committed.
The above solution is for reference only, a better solution is welcome.