Status: Resolved
Resolution: Not A Problem
OpenCMIS 0.13.0
I have a test to just retrieve partial content:
public void getContentRange() throws IOException{ byte[] content = "Hello World, this is for contentstream range test!".getBytes(); InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(content); ContentStream contentStream = session.getObjectFactory().createContentStream("hello.txt", content.length, "text/plain", stream); // (minimal set: name and object type id) Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, BaseTypeId.CMIS_DOCUMENT.value()); properties.put(PropertyIds.NAME, "hello"); Document doc = this.scratchFolder.createDocument(properties, contentStream, VersioningState.MAJOR); ContentStream retrieved = doc.getContentStream("0", BigInteger.valueOf(5), BigInteger.valueOf(5)); System.out.println("streamlength: " + doc.getContentStreamLength()); }
The test only retrieve from position 5, length 5 of contentstream, but the doc.getContentStreamlength() actually return 50 (the length of whole ocntent).
On server side implmentation, we actually set the length to 5:
ContentStream [filename=hello.txt, length=5, MIME type=text/plain, has stream=true][extensions=null]
I traced the client.bindings.spi.atompub.ObjectServiceImple, the response header is:
{cache-control=[private, max-age=0], content-type=[text/plain], null=[HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content], transfer-encoding=[chunked], content-disposition=[attachment; filename=hello.txt], content-language=[en-US], server=[Apache-Chemistry-OpenCMIS/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT], date=[Thu, 09 Apr 2015 06:43:24 GMT], content-range=[bytes 5-9/*]}
The code set the length using result.setLength(resp.getContentLength());
Is this a bug?