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  1. Chemistry (Retired)
  2. CMIS-741

unable to updateProperties on a CmisObject



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • cmislib 0.5.1
    • cmislib 0.6.0
    • python-cmislib
    • Python 2.7.6
      Alfresco 4.2.d on Ubuntu Linux Server 12.04
      Client running cmislib Ubuntu Linux Desktop 12.04


      During an update of properties of a CmisObject I receive this error from cmislib:

      InvalidArgumentException: Error 400 at http://teamtest:8080/alfresco/cmisatom/000fb4b4-d4b6-4ef7-a049-67939b9d70c8/entry?id=workspace%3A%2F%2FSpacesStore%2F0db0156b-0f92-4a0f-b9c4-fc0267ace6e8%3B1.0

      It seems that the url set inside the CmisObject is not usable for properties update.

      Here info, from Eclipse debug, of the cmis object:

      obj Document: workspace://SpacesStore/0db0156b-0f92-4a0f-b9c4-fc0267ace6e8;1.0
      ACL ACL: <www.dmsp.libs.cmislib.model.ACL object at 0xa43e1ac>
      _allowableActions dict: {}
      _cmisClient CmisClient: CMIS client connection to http://teamtest:8080/alfresco/cmisatom
      _kwargs dict: {}
      _name NoneType: None
      _objectId str: workspace://SpacesStore/0db0156b-0f92-4a0f-b9c4-fc0267ace6e8;1.0
      _properties dict: {}
      _repository Repository: Main Repository
      allowableActions dict:

      {u'canDeleteContentStream': True, u'canApplyACL': True, u'canSetContentStream': True, u'canCheckOut': True, u'canGetContentStream': True, u'canCreateRelationship': True, u'canDeleteObject': True, u'canGetAllVersions': True, u'canAddObjectToFolder': True, u'canGetRenditions': True, u'canGetAppliedPolicies': True, u'canGetObjectParents': True, u'canRemoveObjectFromFolder': True, u'canMoveObject': True, u'canGetObjectRelationships': True, u'canGetACL': True, u'canGetProperties': True, u'canUpdateProperties': True}

      checkedOut bool: False
      id str: workspace://SpacesStore/0db0156b-0f92-4a0f-b9c4-fc0267ace6e8;1.0
      logger Logger: <logging.Logger object at 0x9f4a84c>
      name unicode: komodo.desktop
      properties dict: {u'cmis:contentStreamMimeType': u'application/x-sh', u'cmis:creationDate': datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 12, 16, 17, 30, 585000, tzinfo=<FixedOffset u'+02:00' datetime.timedelta(0, 7200)>), u'cmis:isPrivateWorkingCopy': None, u'cmis:baseTypeId': 'cmis:document', u'cmis:isLatestMajorVersion': True, u'cmis:isImmutable': False, u'cmis:isMajorVersion': True, u'cmis:objectId': 'workspace://SpacesStore/0db0156b-0f92-4a0f-b9c4-fc0267ace6e8;1.0', u'cmis:versionSeriesId': 'workspace://SpacesStore/0db0156b-0f92-4a0f-b9c4-fc0267ace6e8', u'cmis:lastModificationDate': datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 12, 16, 17, 30, 760000, tzinfo=<FixedOffset u'+02:00' datetime.timedelta(0, 7200)>), u'cmis:checkinComment': None, u'cmis:description': None, u'cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId': None, u'cmis:isVersionSeriesCheckedOut': False, u'cmis:contentStreamFileName': u'komodo.desktop', u'cmis:versionLabel': u'1.0', u'alfcmis:nodeRef': 'workspace://SpacesStore/0db0156b-0f92-4a0f-b9c4-fc0267ace6e8', u'cmis:changeToken'...
      title unicode: komodo.desktop
      xmlDoc Document: <xml.dom.minidom.Document instance at 0xa43e0ec>

      here the properties I'm trying to update:

      props dict:

      {'cmis:name': 'komodo.desktop', 'cmis:title': 'komodo.desktop'}

      _len_ int: 2
      cmis:name (165618240) str: komodo.desktop
      cmis:title (165618272) str: komodo.desktop

      Is this a cmilib problem or an Alfresco CMIS implementation issue?
      In these days I'm testing this lib and I can reading objects and properties. This is the first operation of updating an object.

      Thanks for your support,





            jpotts Jeffrey Taylor Potts
            impiastro Roberto Rossi
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            4 Start watching this issue

