Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Security Level: Public (Anyone can view this level - this is the default.)
Volumes stuck in Creating state while restarting the Management server when the volume creation is in progress
Steps to reproduce :
1) Create Volumes from the snapshot
3) Restart the MS while the volume creation is in progress
Existing behavior:
Volume stuck in "Creating" state after the MS restart.
mysql> select * from volumes where state='Creating'\G;
id: 26
account_id: 2
domain_id: 1
pool_id: 1
last_pool_id: NULL
instance_id: NULL
device_id: NULL
name: m29vol5
uuid: 3a1bf211-ee97-4225-b531-e78a96e9ce35
size: 21474836480
folder: NULL
path: NULL
pod_id: NULL
data_center_id: 1
iscsi_name: NULL
host_ip: NULL
volume_type: DATADISK
pool_type: NULL
disk_offering_id: 2
template_id: 5
first_snapshot_backup_uuid: NULL
recreatable: 0
created: 2017-05-29 08:59:56
attached: NULL
updated: 2017-05-29 08:59:56
removed: NULL
state: Creating
chain_info: NULL
update_count: 1
disk_type: NULL
vm_snapshot_chain_size: NULL
iso_id: NULL
display_volume: 1
format: VHD
min_iops: NULL
max_iops: NULL
hv_ss_reserve: NULL
provisioning_type: thin
id: 27
account_id: 2
domain_id: 1
pool_id: 1
last_pool_id: NULL
instance_id: NULL
device_id: NULL
name: m29vol5
uuid: f677826f-e470-4179-9c3f-9e55413047f1
size: 21474836480
folder: NULL
path: NULL
pod_id: NULL
data_center_id: 1
iscsi_name: NULL
host_ip: NULL
volume_type: DATADISK
pool_type: NULL
disk_offering_id: 2
template_id: 5
first_snapshot_backup_uuid: NULL
recreatable: 0
created: 2017-05-29 09:00:08
attached: NULL
updated: 2017-05-29 09:00:08
removed: NULL
state: Creating
chain_info: NULL
update_count: 1
disk_type: NULL
vm_snapshot_chain_size: NULL
iso_id: NULL
display_volume: 1
format: VHD
min_iops: NULL
max_iops: NULL
hv_ss_reserve: NULL
provisioning_type: thin