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  1. CloudStack
  2. CLOUDSTACK-4594

[VMWARE] [Upgrade] Failed to revert VM Snapshot which were created before Live Storage Migrating the VM to other Cluster



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • 4.2.1
    • 4.3.0
    • Security Level: Public (Anyone can view this level - this is the default.)
    • None


      Upgraded setup :

      307 Setup with 2 clusters ( Cluster1 – 2 ESXi 5.0 hosts , Cluster2 – Esxi 5.0 host)

      1. 11 Vm’s deployed with 2 VM’s in stopped state
      2. VM’s with ROOT volume, 2 DATA volumes, 3 DATA volumes
      3. Snapshots , Template / volumes from this snapshot
      4. Detached volumes
      5. Empty volumes which are not attached to any instance
      6. Cluster with 2 primary storage's

      Upgraded to 4.2

      1. Stop and Start the VM which is created prior to upgrade. Ensure that from Volume table disk (chian_info) got updated for all the volumes of this instance

      2. Take 3 VM snapshots with some files in each snapshot

      3. Perform Live Storage migration of this VM to a different cluster.

      4. Tried to revert the VM to one of the old VM Snapshot which were created before Live Storage Migration .


      1. Failed to revert VM Snapshot which were created before Live Storage Migrating the VM to other Cluster

      2. Only VM can be reverted only to the VM Snapshots which are created after Live Storage Migration on Cluster2

      2013-09-02 22:16:22,395 ERROR [vmware.manager.VmwareStorageManagerImpl] (DirectAgent-478: revert vm i-3-14-VM to snapshot i-3-14-VM_VS_20130902160037 failed due to
      Got <host> tag when expecting <_this> tag

      while parsing call information for method RevertToSnapshot_Task
      at line 1, column 110

      while parsing SOAP body
      at line 1, column 102

      while parsing SOAP envelope
      at line 1, column 38

      while parsing HTTP request for method revert
      on object of type vim.vm.Snapshot
      at line 1, column 0
      2013-09-02 22:16:22,395 DEBUG [agent.manager.DirectAgentAttache] (DirectAgent-478:null) Seq 1-693897047: Response Received:
      2013-09-02 22:16:22,396 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request] (DirectAgent-478:null) Seq 1-693897047: Processing: { Ans: , MgmtId: 227594284004867, via: 1, Ver: v1, Flags: 10, [{"com.cloud.agent.api.RevertToVMSnapshotAnswer":{"result":false,"details":"revert vm i-3-14-VM to snapshot i-3-14-VM_VS_20130902160037 failed due to \nGot <host> tag when expecting <_this> tag\n\nwhile parsing call information for method RevertToSnapshot_Task\nat line 1, column 110\n\nwhile parsing SOAP body\nat line 1, column 102\n\nwhile parsing SOAP envelope\nat line 1, column 38\n\nwhile parsing HTTP request for method revert\non object of type vim.vm.Snapshot\nat line 1, column 0","wait":0}}] }
      2013-09-02 22:16:22,396 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request] (Job-Executor-83:job-159 = [ 01c20b29-a7d4-4066-8329-0c15b8867b37 ]) Seq 1-693897047: Received: { Ans: , MgmtId: 227594284004867, via: 1, Ver: v1, Flags: 10,

      { RevertToVMSnapshotAnswer }

      2013-09-02 22:16:22,396 ERROR [vm.snapshot.VMSnapshotManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-83:job-159 = [ 01c20b29-a7d4-4066-8329-0c15b8867b37 ]) Revert VM: i-3-14-VM to snapshot: i-3-14-VM_VS_20130902160037 failed due to revert vm i-3-14-VM to snapshot i-3-14-VM_VS_20130902160037 failed due to
      Got <host> tag when expecting <_this> tag

      while parsing call information for method RevertToSnapshot_Task
      at line 1, column 110

      while parsing SOAP body
      at line 1, column 102

      while parsing SOAP envelope
      at line 1, column 38

      while parsing HTTP request for method revert
      on object of type vim.vm.Snapshot
      at line 1, column 0
      2013-09-02 22:16:22,416 ERROR [cloud.async.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-83:job-159 = [ 01c20b29-a7d4-4066-8329-0c15b8867b37 ]) Unexpected exception while executing org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.vmsnapshot.RevertToVMSnapshotCmd
      com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Revert VM: i-3-14-VM to snapshot: i-3-14-VM_VS_20130902160037 failed due to revert vm i-3-14-VM to snapshot i-3-14-VM_VS_20130902160037 failed due to
      Got <host> tag when expecting <_this> tag

      while parsing call information for method RevertToSnapshot_Task
      at line 1, column 110

      while parsing SOAP body
      at line 1, column 102

      while parsing SOAP envelope
      at line 1, column 38

      while parsing HTTP request for method revert
      on object of type vim.vm.Snapshot
      at line 1, column 0
      at com.cloud.vm.snapshot.VMSnapshotManagerImpl.revertInternal(VMSnapshotManagerImpl.java:788)
      at com.cloud.vm.snapshot.VMSnapshotManagerImpl.revertToSnapshot(VMSnapshotManagerImpl.java:748)
      at com.cloud.utils.component.ComponentInstantiationPostProcessor$InterceptorDispatcher.intercept(ComponentInstantiationPostProcessor.java:125)
      at org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.vmsnapshot.RevertToVMSnapshotCmd.execute(RevertToVMSnapshotCmd.java:71)
      at com.cloud.api.ApiDispatcher.dispatch(ApiDispatcher.java:158)
      at com.cloud.async.AsyncJobManagerImpl$1.run(AsyncJobManagerImpl.java:531)
      at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)
      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:334)
      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:166)
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110)
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603)
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)
      2013-09-02 22:16:22,419 DEBUG [cloud.async.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-83:job-159 = [ 01c20b29-a7d4-4066-8329-0c15b8867b37 ]) Complete async job-159 = [ 01c20b29-a7d4-4066-8329-0c15b8867b37 ], jobStatus: 2, resultCode: 530, result: Error Code: 530 Error text: Revert VM: i-3-14-VM to snapshot: i-3-14-VM_VS_20130902160037 failed due to revert vm i-3-14-VM to snapshot i-3-14-VM_VS_20130902160037 failed due to
      Got <host> tag when expecting <_this> tag



        1. apilogs.rar
          594 kB
          Sailaja Mada
        2. clouddbback.dmp
          1.02 MB
          Sailaja Mada
        3. mgmtlogs.rar
          2.35 MB
          Sailaja Mada

        Issue Links



              likithas Likitha Shetty
              sailaja Sailaja Mada
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              3 Start watching this issue

