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  1. CloudStack
  2. CLOUDSTACK-1673

AWS Regions - Events - User disable / Domain Delete event does not include the UUID of the user/domain that was disabled.



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 4.1.0, 4.2.0
    • 4.2.0
    • Management Server
    • Security Level: Public (Anyone can view this level - this is the default.)
    • None
    • Latest build from 4.1


      AWS Regions - Events - User disable / Domain Delete event does not include the UUID of the user/domain that was disabled

      Scenario 1:

      Pre Req:
      1. Configure Management server to point to RabbitMQ server for event notifications.
      1. Disable one of the existing users.

      Following is the payload of the event that gets published:


      UUID of the user that was disabled is NOT included in the payload. The user that is present in the payload is the admin user i was logged in as when I performed the disable action. Account that is passed is the account that the user that is disabled belongs to.

      mysql> select * from user where uuid="3ff1190e-5aa3-4551-9cb3-a97db0bd0d51";

      id uuid username password account_id firstname lastname email state api_key secret_key created removed timezone registration_token is_registered incorrect_login_attempts region_id


      18 3ff1190e-5aa3-4551-9cb3-a97db0bd0d51 san-adm1 a072a11d146e3ff670cb4e43af5cdcc7 10 san-adm1 san-adm1 san-adm1@abc.com enabled NULL NULL 2013-03-13 22:58:24 NULL America/Los_Angeles NULL 0 0 1

      1 row in set (0.00 sec)

      mysql> select * from user where uuid="c6ca317e-386e-43eb-8892-a702807e1935";

      id uuid username password account_id firstname lastname email state api_key secret_key created removed timezone registration_token is_registered incorrect_login_attempts region_id


      4 c6ca317e-386e-43eb-8892-a702807e1935 san-test11 53d9012c4b85f29b8ff5c5c3606e9d62 4 san-test113456 san-test113456 san-test11@abc.com disabled NULL NULL 2013-03-06 19:35:54 NULL America/Los_Angeles NULL 0 0 1

      1 row in set (0.00 sec)


      Scenario 2:
      AWS Regions - Events - Domain Delete event does not include the UUID of the domain that was deleted.

      Pre Req:
      1. Configure Management server to point to RabbitMQ server for event notifications.
      1. Delete an existing domain.

      Following is the payload of the event that gets prublished:


      This event does not include the uuid of the domain that was deleted.

      event DB for this activity:

      65 d873a6a4-e107-4033-96ed-af1d753c044f DOMAIN.DELETE Scheduled deleting domain: 5 2 2 1 2013-03-13 18:54:05 INFO 0 NULL



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              murali.reddy Murali Reddy
              sangeethah Sangeetha Hariharan
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue

