Kyo reported the StdDevRatio and PatternCorr metrics were returning unexpected results. He provided some example code (below) that demonstrated expected values.
There seems to be a few problems with the current metrics. First, we don't have a version of these that doesn't do some sort of rebin on the data first. That should be changed (in fact, we should probably only have versions that don't rebin the data, but that's a separate conversation perhaps). Second, StdDevRatio currently normalizes to the target, instead of the reference dataset. That's an easy fix. Third, Kyo is using a different stats method to get what he wants. I will play around a bit and see if I can determine which we should use and get it changed.
taylor_data[imodel, 0]=ma.std(model.values)/ma.std(ref_dataset.values) taylor_data[imodel, 1]=stats.mstats.linregress(ref_dataset.values, model.values)[2]