Uploaded image for project: 'Apache Cordova'
  1. Apache Cordova
  2. CB-9022

Cordova Android Filetransfer returning null -"java.lang.IllegalStateException" - "CordovaInterface.getThreadPool()"


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.1.0
    • None
    • OS: Mac OS X Yosemite
      Node Version: v0.12.0
      Cordova CLI: 5.0.0
      Xcode version: Xcode 6.3.1 Build version 6D1002
      ios-sim version: 3.1.1
      ios-deploy version: 1.4.0
      android 4.0.0-dev



      Attempting to do an android FileTransfer, plugin is working on iOS, i can't seem to get this to go!

      ADB lgocat output:

      E/PluginManager(23753): Uncaught exception from plugin
      E/PluginManager(23753): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Tried to perform an IO operation on the WebCore thread. Use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool() instead.

      body: null
      code: null
      exception: null
      http_status: null
      source: null
      target: null
      Trying a file transfer and coming back empty....

      Your system information:
      OS: Mac OS X Yosemite
      Node Version: v0.12.0
      Cordova CLI: 5.0.0
      Ionic CLI Version: 1.3.22
      Xcode version: Xcode 6.3.1 Build version 6D1002
      ios-sim version: 3.1.1
      ios-deploy version: 1.4.0

      ngCordova upload: http://ngcordova.com/docs/plugins/fileTransfer/
      Running in Crosswalk, not sure that makes any difference.


        Issue Links


            magnusmel magnus melwin added a comment -

            Yes, the bug seems to be on android kitkat version.

            magnusmel magnus melwin added a comment - Yes, the bug seems to be on android kitkat version.

            can you plz put some short of code you used .

            dhams dharmendra sharma added a comment - can you plz put some short of code you used .
            rahulpandey Rahul Pandey added a comment -

            Got the same error today -

            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Tried to perform an IO operation on the WebCore thread. Use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool() instead.
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi.assertBackgroundThread(CordovaResourceApi.java:400)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi.mapUriToFile(CordovaResourceApi.java:149)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.file.ContentFilesystem.filesystemPathForURL(ContentFilesystem.java:202)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.file.FileUtils.remapUri(FileUtils.java:258)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.remapUri(PluginManager.java:473)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi.remapUri(CordovaResourceApi.java:136)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.filetransfer.FileTransfer.upload(FileTransfer.java:310)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.filetransfer.FileTransfer.execute(FileTransfer.java:183)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin.execute(CordovaPlugin.java:98)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.exec(PluginManager.java:133)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaBridge.jsExec(CordovaBridge.java:59)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemExposedJsApi.exec(SystemExposedJsApi.java:41)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:39)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
            06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)

            I am using the latest Cordova and Android platform, installed today only.

            rahulpandey Rahul Pandey added a comment - Got the same error today - 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Tried to perform an IO operation on the WebCore thread. Use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool() instead. 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi.assertBackgroundThread(CordovaResourceApi.java:400) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi.mapUriToFile(CordovaResourceApi.java:149) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.file.ContentFilesystem.filesystemPathForURL(ContentFilesystem.java:202) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.file.FileUtils.remapUri(FileUtils.java:258) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.remapUri(PluginManager.java:473) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi.remapUri(CordovaResourceApi.java:136) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.filetransfer.FileTransfer.upload(FileTransfer.java:310) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.filetransfer.FileTransfer.execute(FileTransfer.java:183) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin.execute(CordovaPlugin.java:98) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.exec(PluginManager.java:133) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaBridge.jsExec(CordovaBridge.java:59) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemExposedJsApi.exec(SystemExposedJsApi.java:41) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:39) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148) 06-23 12:04:46.661: E/PluginManager(32495): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) I am using the latest Cordova and Android platform, installed today only.

            rahulpandey, looking at the stack trace it I can see that you're using content:// uri to upload file, however i wasn't able to reproduce the problem. Could you please provide a code that reproduces the problem. Also please post cordova, cordova-android and file-transfer plugin versions you're using. You can get it via cordova --version && cordova platform ls && cordova plugin ls

            vladimir.kotikov Vladimir Kotikov added a comment - rahulpandey , looking at the stack trace it I can see that you're using content:// uri to upload file, however i wasn't able to reproduce the problem. Could you please provide a code that reproduces the problem. Also please post cordova, cordova-android and file-transfer plugin versions you're using. You can get it via cordova --version && cordova platform ls && cordova plugin ls
            rahulpandey Rahul Pandey added a comment - - edited

            vladimir.kotikov Here you go -
            Cordova Platform version - android 5.1.1

            File Transfer Plugin Version - cordova-plugin-file-transfer 1.5.1

            File Plugin Version - cordova-plugin-file 4.2.0

            function uploadImage(commentImage) {
            var imageUploaded = function(data)

            { console.log("Image Uploaded ", data); }


            var ft = new FileTransfer();
            var options = new FileUploadOptions();
            var serverURL = connectUrl + "post/comment";
            options.fileKey = "file";
            if (commentImage.indexOf('jpg') != -1)
            options.fileName = "commentImage.jpg";
            options.fileName = "commentImage.png";
            options.mimeType = "image/jpeg";
            options.chunkedMode = false;
            options.httpMethod = 'POST';
            var headers =

            { "boundary": "myuploadboundary" }

            options.headers = headers;
            var params = {};
            params.access_token = "Access token"
            params.postid = 1;
            params.comment = "This is my comment";
            options.params = params;
            ft.upload(checkInImage, encodeURI(serverURL), imageUploaded, function(e)

            { console.log(JSON.stringify(e)); }

            , options, true);

            var onSuccess = function(imgData) {

            window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(imgData, function(entry)

            { uploadImage(entry.nativeURL); //var filename = checkInImage.substr(commentImage.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); }


            var onFail = function(error)

            { console.log(error); }


            var picSourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY;

            if (source === 'camera') picSourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA;

            var cameraOptions =

            { quality: 50, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: picSourceType, allowEdit: false, targetWidth: 800, targetHeight: 800, saveToPhotoAlbum: true, encodingType: 0 }

            navigator.camera.getPicture(onSuccess, onFail, cameraOptions);

            For Temporary workaround I modified the line number 179 with these (inside boolean execute function) -

            final String source = args.getString(0);
            final String target = args.getString(1);
            final JSONArray finalArgs = args;
            if (action.equals("upload")) {
            cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable(){
            public void run() {

            { upload(source, target, finalArgs, callbackContext); }

            catch (Exception e)

            { e.printStackTrace(); }

            } else

            { download(source, target, args, callbackContext); }

            return true;

            rahulpandey Rahul Pandey added a comment - - edited vladimir.kotikov Here you go - Cordova Platform version - android 5.1.1 File Transfer Plugin Version - cordova-plugin-file-transfer 1.5.1 File Plugin Version - cordova-plugin-file 4.2.0 function uploadImage(commentImage) { var imageUploaded = function(data) { console.log("Image Uploaded ", data); } ; var ft = new FileTransfer(); var options = new FileUploadOptions(); var serverURL = connectUrl + "post/comment"; options.fileKey = "file"; if (commentImage.indexOf('jpg') != -1) options.fileName = "commentImage.jpg"; else options.fileName = "commentImage.png"; options.mimeType = "image/jpeg"; options.chunkedMode = false; options.httpMethod = 'POST'; var headers = { "boundary": "myuploadboundary" } ; options.headers = headers; var params = {}; params.access_token = "Access token" params.postid = 1; params.comment = "This is my comment"; options.params = params; ft.upload(checkInImage, encodeURI(serverURL), imageUploaded, function(e) { console.log(JSON.stringify(e)); } , options, true); } var onSuccess = function(imgData) { //uploadImage(imgData); window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(imgData, function(entry) { uploadImage(entry.nativeURL); //var filename = checkInImage.substr(commentImage.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } ); }; var onFail = function(error) { console.log(error); } ; var picSourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY; if (source === 'camera') picSourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA; var cameraOptions = { quality: 50, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: picSourceType, allowEdit: false, targetWidth: 800, targetHeight: 800, saveToPhotoAlbum: true, encodingType: 0 } ; navigator.camera.getPicture(onSuccess, onFail, cameraOptions); For Temporary workaround I modified the line number 179 with these (inside boolean execute function) - final String source = args.getString(0); final String target = args.getString(1); final JSONArray finalArgs = args; if (action.equals("upload")) { cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable(){ public void run() { try { upload(source, target, finalArgs, callbackContext); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } else { download(source, target, args, callbackContext); } return true;

            Please wrap your code into {noformat} blocks, to make it readable. Also it's not very clear, what is the value of checkInImage - is that a cdvfile://localhost/content/... url? What kind of camera source should i use to reproduce - PHOTOLIBRARY or CAMERA?

            vladimir.kotikov Vladimir Kotikov added a comment - Please wrap your code into {noformat} blocks, to make it readable. Also it's not very clear, what is the value of checkInImage - is that a cdvfile://localhost/content/... url? What kind of camera source should i use to reproduce - PHOTOLIBRARY or CAMERA?
            rahulpandey Rahul Pandey added a comment -


            Sorry for the formatting, I have edited the code to remove that checkInImage variable and yes it it the cdvfile url image. You can use PhotoLibrary source. I mostly tried with that only.

            function uploadImage(commentImage) {
                var imageUploaded = function(data) {
                    console.log("Image Uploaded ", data);
                var ft = new FileTransfer();
                var options = new FileUploadOptions();
                var serverURL = connectUrl + "post/comment";
                options.fileKey = "file";
                if (commentImage.indexOf('jpg') != -1)
                    options.fileName = "commentImage.jpg";
                    options.fileName = "commentImage.png";
                options.mimeType = "image/jpeg";
                options.chunkedMode = false;
                options.httpMethod = 'POST';
                var headers = { "boundary": "myuploadboundary" } ;
                options.headers = headers;
                var params = {};
                params.access_token = "Access token"
                params.postid = 1;
                params.comment = "This is my comment";
                options.params = params;
                ft.upload(commentImage, encodeURI(serverURL), imageUploaded, function(e) { 
                }, options, true);
            var onSuccess = function(imgData) {
                window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(imgData, function(entry) {
            var onFail = function(error) { console.log(error); };
            var picSourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY;
            if (source === 'camera') picSourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA;
            var cameraOptions = { 
                     quality: 50,
                     destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, 
                     sourceType: picSourceType, 
                     allowEdit: false, 
                     targetWidth: 800, 
                     targetHeight: 800, 
                     saveToPhotoAlbum: true, 
                     encodingType: 0 
            navigator.camera.getPicture(onSuccess, onFail, cameraOptions);
            rahulpandey Rahul Pandey added a comment - Hi, Sorry for the formatting, I have edited the code to remove that checkInImage variable and yes it it the cdvfile url image. You can use PhotoLibrary source. I mostly tried with that only. function uploadImage(commentImage) { var imageUploaded = function (data) { console.log( "Image Uploaded " , data); }; var ft = new FileTransfer(); var options = new FileUploadOptions(); var serverURL = connectUrl + "post/comment" ; options.fileKey = "file" ; if (commentImage.indexOf( 'jpg' ) != -1) options.fileName = "commentImage.jpg" ; else options.fileName = "commentImage.png" ; options.mimeType = "image/jpeg" ; options.chunkedMode = false ; options.httpMethod = 'POST' ; var headers = { "boundary" : "myuploadboundary" } ; options.headers = headers; var params = {}; params.access_token = "Access token" params.postid = 1; params.comment = "This is my comment" ; options.params = params; ft.upload(commentImage, encodeURI(serverURL), imageUploaded, function (e) { console.log(JSON.stringify(e)); }, options, true ); } var onSuccess = function (imgData) { //uploadImage(imgData); window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(imgData, function (entry) { uploadImage(entry.nativeURL); }); }; var onFail = function (error) { console.log(error); }; var picSourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY; if (source === 'camera' ) picSourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA; var cameraOptions = { quality: 50, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: picSourceType, allowEdit: false , targetWidth: 800, targetHeight: 800, saveToPhotoAlbum: true , encodingType: 0 }; navigator.camera.getPicture(onSuccess, onFail, cameraOptions);
            githubbot ASF GitHub Bot added a comment -

            GitHub user vladimir-kotikov opened a pull request:


            CB-9022 Resolve source URI on background thread in

            Please make sure the checklist boxes are all checked before submitting the PR. The checklist
            is intended as a quick reference, for complete details please see our Contributor Guidelines:



                1. Platforms affected
                1. What does this PR do?
                  This PR fixes application crash when trying to upload file from 'Content' file system, specified by `cdvfile://localhost/content/...` URI.
                1. What testing has been done on this change?
                  Manual and automated testing
                1. Checklist

            We should call `remapUri` on background thread otherwise it throws `IllegalStateException` when trying to remap 'cdvfile://localhost/content/...' URIs via `ContentFilesystem`

            You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

            $ git pull https://github.com/vladimir-kotikov/cordova-plugin-file-transfer CB-9022

            Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:


            To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch
            with (at least) the following in the commit message:

            This closes #154

            commit 15551921f0304c4987d50d635aa2ea24a3a2c565
            Author: Vladimir Kotikov <kotikov.vladimir@gmail.com>
            Date: 2016-08-18T13:30:19Z

            CB-9022 Resolve source URI on background thread in

            We should call remapUri on background thread otherwise it
            throws IllegalStateException when trying to remap 'cdvfile://localhost/content/...' URIs via ContentFilesystem

            githubbot ASF GitHub Bot added a comment - GitHub user vladimir-kotikov opened a pull request: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/pull/154 CB-9022 Resolve source URI on background thread in <!-- Please make sure the checklist boxes are all checked before submitting the PR. The checklist is intended as a quick reference, for complete details please see our Contributor Guidelines: http://cordova.apache.org/contribute/contribute_guidelines.html Thanks! --> Platforms affected Android What does this PR do? This PR fixes application crash when trying to upload file from 'Content' file system, specified by `cdvfile://localhost/content/...` URI. What testing has been done on this change? Manual and automated testing Checklist [x] [ICLA] ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.txt ) has been signed and submitted to secretary@apache.org. [x] [Reported an issue] ( http://cordova.apache.org/contribute/issues.html ) in the JIRA database [x] Commit message follows the format: "CB-3232: (android) Fix bug with resolving file paths", where CB-xxxx is the JIRA ID & "android" is the platform affected. [ ] Added automated test coverage as appropriate for this change. We should call `remapUri` on background thread otherwise it throws `IllegalStateException` when trying to remap 'cdvfile://localhost/content/...' URIs via `ContentFilesystem` You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running: $ git pull https://github.com/vladimir-kotikov/cordova-plugin-file-transfer CB-9022 Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/pull/154.patch To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch with (at least) the following in the commit message: This closes #154 commit 15551921f0304c4987d50d635aa2ea24a3a2c565 Author: Vladimir Kotikov <kotikov.vladimir@gmail.com> Date: 2016-08-18T13:30:19Z CB-9022 Resolve source URI on background thread in We should call remapUri on background thread otherwise it throws IllegalStateException when trying to remap 'cdvfile://localhost/content/...' URIs via ContentFilesystem

            Thanks for details. Until the PR is merged you can workaround this in JS code by using `file://` or `content://` URIs rather than `cdvfile://`

            vladimir.kotikov Vladimir Kotikov added a comment - Thanks for details. Until the PR is merged you can workaround this in JS code by using ` file:// ` or `content://` URIs rather than `cdvfile://`
            githubbot ASF GitHub Bot added a comment -

            Github user cordova-qa commented on the issue:


            Cordova CI Build has completed successfully.

            *Commit* - [Link](https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/pull/154/commits/3ccf9f8462c1de61c15c3841f77010b25fd6de58)
            *Dashboard* - [Link](http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35/)

            Builder Name Console Output Test Report Device Logs
            :---: :---: :---: :---:
            [Windows 8.1 Store]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-store/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-store/console) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-store/testReport/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-store/artifact/)
            [Windows 10 Store]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-10-store/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-10-store/console) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-10-store/testReport/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-10-store/artifact/)
            [Windows 8.1 Phone]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-phone/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-phone/console) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-phone/testReport/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-phone/artifact/)
            [iOS]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=ios/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=ios/console) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=ios/testReport/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=ios/artifact/)
            [Android]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=android/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=android/console) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=android/testReport/) [Link]( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=android/artifact/)
            githubbot ASF GitHub Bot added a comment - Github user cordova-qa commented on the issue: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/pull/154 Cordova CI Build has completed successfully. * Commit * - [Link] ( https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/pull/154/commits/3ccf9f8462c1de61c15c3841f77010b25fd6de58 ) * Dashboard * - [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35/ ) Builder Name Console Output Test Report Device Logs :---: :---: :---: :---: [Windows 8.1 Store] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-store/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-store/console ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-store/testReport/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-store/artifact/ ) [Windows 10 Store] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-10-store/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-10-store/console ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-10-store/testReport/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-10-store/artifact/ ) [Windows 8.1 Phone] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-phone/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-phone/console ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-phone/testReport/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=windows-8.1-phone/artifact/ ) [iOS] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=ios/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=ios/console ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=ios/testReport/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=ios/artifact/ ) [Android] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=android/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=android/console ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=android/testReport/ ) [Link] ( http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/job/cordova-plugin-file-transfer-pr/35//PLATFORM=android/artifact/ )
            rahulpandey Rahul Pandey added a comment -

            Thanks for the solution.

            rahulpandey Rahul Pandey added a comment - Thanks for the solution.

            Commit 3ccf9f8462c1de61c15c3841f77010b25fd6de58 in cordova-plugin-file-transfer's branch refs/heads/master from vladimir.kotikov
            [ https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=cordova-plugin-file-transfer.git;h=3ccf9f8 ]

            CB-9022 Resolve source URI on background thread

            We should call remapUri on background thread otherwise it
            throws IllegalStateException when trying to remap 'cdvfile://localhost/content/...' URIs via ContentFilesystem

            jira-bot ASF subversion and git services added a comment - Commit 3ccf9f8462c1de61c15c3841f77010b25fd6de58 in cordova-plugin-file-transfer's branch refs/heads/master from vladimir.kotikov [ https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=cordova-plugin-file-transfer.git;h=3ccf9f8 ] CB-9022 Resolve source URI on background thread We should call remapUri on background thread otherwise it throws IllegalStateException when trying to remap 'cdvfile://localhost/content/...' URIs via ContentFilesystem
            githubbot ASF GitHub Bot added a comment -

            Github user asfgit closed the pull request at:


            githubbot ASF GitHub Bot added a comment - Github user asfgit closed the pull request at: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/pull/154

            Commit 2b6b6d9333848beb05a6128242701261467b5d69 in cordova-plugin-file-transfer's branch refs/heads/master from anemitoff
            [ https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=cordova-plugin-file-transfer.git;h=2b6b6d9 ]

            CB-9022 Fix exception thrown by call to remapApi on main thread

            When reamapApi was being called for device file it was performing IO on
            the WebCore thread and throwing an IllegalState exception. This seems
            to have only been a problem when local URL corresponded to a video file.

            Moved calls to remapApi for device URLs within new thread context so
            that IO is performed on background thread.

            This is the same fix as 3ccf9f8 but for `download` operation

            This closes #124

            jira-bot ASF subversion and git services added a comment - Commit 2b6b6d9333848beb05a6128242701261467b5d69 in cordova-plugin-file-transfer's branch refs/heads/master from anemitoff [ https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=cordova-plugin-file-transfer.git;h=2b6b6d9 ] CB-9022 Fix exception thrown by call to remapApi on main thread When reamapApi was being called for device file it was performing IO on the WebCore thread and throwing an IllegalState exception. This seems to have only been a problem when local URL corresponded to a video file. Moved calls to remapApi for device URLs within new thread context so that IO is performed on background thread. This is the same fix as 3ccf9f8 but for `download` operation This closes #124


              vladimir.kotikov Vladimir Kotikov
              uofmmike Mike Mullins
              4 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue

