Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Mac OS X 10.10.3; cordova-cli@4.3.0; cordova-android@4.0.0; Android Studio
Please can you add in the following to the build.gradle script for the android module in the cordova-android project:
android {
lintOptions {
checkReleaseBuilds false
android {
lintOptions {
abortOnError false
The former has the advantage that all lint errors will display for debug purposes should you need to review them.
The issue occurred when using the plugin com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner and creating a signed APK in Android Studio - this plugin uses translations and because the strings.xml contains additional items which are not present in the plugin's translation XML files, Lint/Android Studio throws a wobbly and does not export the APK because of an error.
It could be argued that the plugin should alter their XML translations and include the MissingTranslations attribute, but there are over 30 files and this fix seemed to quickly resolve the issue instead of editing each one manually.
See: for more info.