Status: Closed
Resolution: Won't Fix
The getFile fileEntry object comes back OK, except the values of fullPath, toNativeUrl and toURL are identical. I already reported that. However, the fileEntry.isFile says "true" so I assumed something was there. However when I pass that fileEntry into a FileReader object and try to use reader to read the file I get the following results:
reader.readAsArrayBuffer and reader.readAsDataURL both throw a TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR. I saw in the docs that readAsArrayBuffer is not supported on WP8, but I figured I'd try it anyway.
I got an error message on reader.readAsBinaryString saying that method is missing. I'm not surprised about that since the HTML spec says it is deprecated anyway.
I also got a fileEntry back from window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI (had to put '///' in front of the folder and file name to get it to work) and tried to use that. It gave the same results.