Status: Closed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Cordova not initialized properly:
06-28 10:52:14.774 12625-12625/com.example.hello E/CordovaBridge: gap_init called from restricted origin:
I have looked into this issue and it seems that sometimes the origin URL is empty and that is the reason why the message above is shown.
@Override public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, (tries++) +" onJsPrompt: "+origin); // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread. String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue); if (handledRet != null) { result.confirm(handledRet); } else { dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() { @Override public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) { if (success) { result.confirm(value); } else { result.cancel(); } } }); } return true; }
The strange think is that if you call view.getUrl() the url is return correctly. I was wondering, can be that used instead of the origin url ?
This is an issue not that easy to reproduce, I managed to reproduce with a simple hello world cordova app.
I did some tweaks to increase the occurrence of the issue:
1. Enable "Don't keep activities" from the developer options
2. Using "Recents" button open and close the app very fast
3. I have attached the that I used. There is some commented code that can be uncommented to increase the occurrence rate of the issue.