Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
I spotted the following issues with the way cordova-js uses browserify:
- 1: duplicate source files in src: src/cordova_b.js, src/common/modulemapper_b.js,
src/common/pluginloader_b.js, src/common/init_b.js, which only seem to be used by tasks/lib/bundle-browserify.js - 2: I have not been able to make a working browserify build.
- 3: npm outdated shows browserify as outdated
Another possible issue that I am not 100% sure about:
- 4: browserify is listed as a dependencies item in package.json while I think it should have been listed as a devDependencies item
I am very concerned that keeping duplicated source files may lead to old bugs including possible security issues leaking through the maintenance process in the future. The changes between the duplicated source files and the non-browserify versions are very limited so it should be possible to resolve this issue using very basic code techniques.
I think the easiest solution would be to drop the browserify build/test target and remove the duplicated source files. I suspect that the browserify target has not been used for years.
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