I discovered the bug, by following this scenario:
clean ionic project;
open terminal at project root;
1. rm -rf plugins/ (remove the plugins folder) 2. cordova add platform ios 3. cordova build ios 4. ls -l platforms/ios/<PROJECT_NAME>/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ and ls -l platforms/ios/<PROJECT_NAME>/Images.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/ 5. in both folders found above, we find the Contents.json file that tells xcode which icon/splash screen goes to wich resolution 6. cordova platform rm ios 7. cordova platform add ios (add the platform again, but the plugins are installed from plugins/ folder found in the root of the project) 8. cordova build ios 9. ls -l platforms/ios/<PROJECT_NAME>/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ and ls -l platforms/ios/<PROJECT_NAME>/Images.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/ 10. in both folders found above is missing the Contents.json file, so, after we open <PROJECT_NAME>.xcodeproj file in xcode, all the icons and launch screens are unassigned, so the app starts on the iOS device at a wrong resolution. (example: run app on iPhone 5C and the app starts at iPhone 4 resolution with black bars on top and bottom).
I think this might be a cordova Bug but I am not sure.
As a workaround, I copied the Contents.json files to another location in my project and:
1. added an after_build hook to copy these file into platforms/ios/<PROJECT_NAME>/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ and platforms/ios/<PROJECT_NAME>/Images.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/ paths.
2. cordova platform rm ios
3. cordova platform add ios
4. cordova build ios
5. this should be the place where the after_build hook should run.
If you run cordova build ios again the hook works.
I have noticed that the first time you run cordova build ios the message "** BUILD SUCCEEDED **" does not appear, sometimes only after the third time of running cordova build ios this message appears. From what I can tell only when the message ** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** appears the after_build hook is run.
This issue can be reproduced with the after_compile hook as well.
What I have done in order to achieve this "workaround" is: I have made a before_compile hook which copies the Contents.json file where it should be copied and it works.
I hope that I described the problem well. If there are any questions you can ask me later