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  1. Apache Cordova
  2. CB-10535

cordova-plugin-media causes iOS app crash - 'NSInvalidArgumentException'




      CI fails with timeout: https://ci.apache.org/builders/cordova-ios/builds/1663/steps/running-tests/logs/stdio

      This might be due to this crash: https://ci.apache.org/builders/cordova-ios/builds/1663/steps/gathering-logs/logs/stdio

      I suspect this might be caused by a cordova-plugin-media failure

      File Content:

      Feb 4 12:23:29 dbtiefighter mobilespec[62230]: Playing stream with AVPlayer & custom rate
      Feb 4 12:23:30 dbtiefighter mobilespec[62230]: Stopped playing audio sample 'http://cordova.apache.org/downloads/BlueZedEx.mp3'
      Feb 4 12:23:30 dbtiefighter mobilespec[62230]: Media with id 609de056-dc4d-d301-d0e4-ee6df1855551 released
      Feb 4 12:23:30 dbtiefighter mobilespec[62230]: Will use resource 'http://cordova.apache.org/downloads/BlueZedEx.mp3' from the Internet.
      Feb 4 12:23:30 dbtiefighter mobilespec[62230]: Playing audio sample 'http://cordova.apache.org/downloads/BlueZedEx.mp3'
      Feb 4 12:23:30 dbtiefighter mobilespec[62230]: Playing stream with AVPlayer & custom rate
      Feb 4 12:23:30 dbtiefighter mobilespec[62230]: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'AVPlayerItem cannot service a seek request with a completion handler until its status is AVPlayerItemStatusReadyToPlay.'

          • First throw call stack:
            0 CoreFoundation 0x01cb4a84 __exceptionPreprocess + 180
            1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0174ee02 objc_exception_throw + 50
            2 AVFoundation 0x007855ae -[AVPlayerItem seekToTime:toleranceBefore:toleranceAfter:completionHandler:] + 1714
            3 AVFoundation 0x0076e49e -[AVPlayer seekToTime:toleranceBefore:toleranceAfter:completionHandler:] + 174
            4 mobilespec 0x0014cb96 -[CDVSound seekToAudio:] + 2054
            5 mobilespec 0x001791a8 -[CDVCommandQueue execute:] + 888
            6 mobilespec 0x00178a00 -[CDVCommandQueue executePending] + 848
            7 mobilespec 0x0016df2d __40-[CDVCommandDelegateImpl evalJsHelper2:]_block_invoke + 349
            8 mobilespec 0x0017be35 -[CDVUIWebViewEngine evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler:] + 181
            9 mobilespec 0x0016dd7d -[CDVCommandDelegateImpl evalJsHelper2:] + 237
            10 libobjc.A.dylib 0x01763059 -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 70
            11 Foundation 0x0135d178 __NSThreadPerformPerform + 323
            12 CoreFoundation 0x01bced1f _CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION_ + 15
            13 CoreFoundation 0x01bc49ab __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 523
            14 CoreFoundation 0x01bc3dc8 __CFRunLoopRun + 1032
            15 CoreFoundation 0x01bc3706 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 470
            16 CoreFoundation 0x01bc351b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
            17 GraphicsServices 0x05f2f664 GSEventRunModal + 192
            18 GraphicsServices 0x05f2f4a1 GSEventRun + 104
            19 UIKit 0x024801eb UIApplicationMain + 160
            20 mobilespec 0x000e42a9 main + 89
            21 libdyld.dylib 0x04039a21 start + 1
            Feb 4 12:23:30 dbtiefighter SpringBoard[16597]: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
            Feb 4 12:23:30 dbtiefighter com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.DA6D3C8F-39BE-486B-A6DB-362B7BA75FD3.launchd_sim[16580] (UIKitApplication:org.apache.mobilespec[0x7778][62230]): Service exited due to signal: Abort trap: 6
            Feb 4 12:23:31 dbtiefighter SpringBoard[16597]: Application 'UIKitApplication:org.apache.mobilespec[0x7778]' crashed.
            Feb 4 12:23:31 dbtiefighter assertiond[16601]: assertion failed: 14F1509 13B137: assertiond + 12188 [93FFE0B6-5C27-387F-B32A-6EE378BBB22A]: 0x1
            Feb 4 12:23:31 dbtiefighter syslogd[16582]: ASL Sender Statistics
            Feb 4 12:23:31 dbtiefighter assertiond[16601]: notify_suspend_pid() failed with error 7
            Feb 4 12:23:31 dbtiefighter assertiond[16601]: assertion failed: 14F1509 13B137: assertiond + 12188 [93FFE0B6-5C27-387F-B32A-6EE378BBB22A]: 0x1
            Feb 4 12:23:31 dbtiefighter SpringBoard[16597]: ===^^^ Have not seen ZKW query result after 281 tries
            Feb 4 12:23:31 dbtiefighter SpringBoard[16597]: Reply Error: Connection interrupted
            Feb 4 12:25:31 dbtiefighter routined[16585]: CoreLocation: Error occurred while trying to retrieve motion state update: CMErrorDomain Code:104
            Feb 4 12:31:31 dbtiefighter routined[16585]: CoreLocation: Error occurred while trying to retrieve motion state update: CMErrorDomain Code:104
            Feb 4 12:37:31 dbtiefighter routined[16585]: CoreLocation: Error occurred while trying to retrieve motion state update: CMErrorDomain Code:104
            Feb 4 12:37:31 dbtiefighter syslogd[16582]: ASL Sender Statistics
            Feb 4 12:40:07 dbtiefighter DTServiceHub[54043]: Failed to handle kevent(): 32
            program finished with exit code 0




            omefire Omar Mefire
            omefire Omar Mefire
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