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  1. Apache Cordova
  2. CB-10329

New Information Architecture for the Cordova Website



    • Task
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • None
    • None


      This is the proposed new IA:

      • Overview
      • Architecture
        • Runtime Architecture
        • Tooling Architecture
      • Create apps
        • Create your first app
        • Develop for platforms
        • Manage versions and platforms
        • Debug and test
        • Automate Tasks
        • Store data
        • Manage privacy
        • Manage security
        • Whitelisting
        • Publish
      • Create plugins
        • Create a plugin
        • Register with NPM
        • Develop for platforms
        • Use Plugman
        • Debug and test
      • Advanced Topics
        • Embed Cordova in native apps
        • Pass data from Cordova app to host
      • Reference
        • Config.xml
        • Events
        • Plugin APIs
        • CLI
        • Hooks
        • Plugin.xml
      • Tutorials
        • Share your app in source control
      • Sample Apps


      Overview -> Overview

      Platform Support -> Create apps/Platform Support

      The Command-Line Interface -> Basic info goes inside Create apps/Create your first app. Also becomes a reference under Create apps/Reference/Command Line Interface

      Platform Guides -> Create apps/Develop for Platforms

      Using Plugman to Manage Plugins -> Create plugins/Use Plugman

      The config.xml file -> Reference/Config.xml

      Icons and Splash Screens -> Becomes part of Create apps/Create your first app

      Embedding Webviews -> Embed a Webview

      Plugin Development Guide -> Create a Plugin

      Plugin Specification -> Reference/Plugin.xml

      Privacy Guide -> Create apps/Manage privacy

      Security Guide -> Create apps/Manage security

      Platforms and Plugins Version Management -> Create apps/Manage versions

      Whitelist Guide -> Create apps/Whitelisting

      Storage -> Create apps/Store data

      Hooks Guide -> Reference/Hooks

      Next Steps -> Goes away and gets broken to separate detailed articles

      Events -> Reference/Events

      Plugin APIs -> Reference/Plugin APIs

      New Sections: Debug and Test, Publish, Automate Tasks(grunt,gulp,uglify tutorials), Register with NPM, Sample Apps, Architecture, Tutorials, Pass data from Cordova app to host




            rakatyal Raghav Katyal
            rakatyal Raghav Katyal
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

