This builds on CAY-879. We need a UI support for editing callbacks and lifecycle listeners. The UI I am suggesting (although I am open to other suggestions) is this:
two new tabs "Callbacks" and "Listeners"
place the main editor in a tabbed panel, with two tabs: "DataMap" and "Listeners"
"Listeners" tab would consist of a JTable with the following columns:
- "Class Name" - a listener class
- "Method" - a callback method name
- "Callback Type" (a dropdown with types of callbacks)
"Callbacks" tab would consist of a JTable with the following columns:
- "Method" - a callback method name
- "Callback Type" (a dropdown with types of callbacks)
Each tab would have a toolbar (similar to what we have for entities now) with buttons to add/delete callbacks/listeners (button will be created, may use placeholders for now)
Since the order of callbacks is significant, we need a reordering capability (via drag and drop? or in the worst case using up and down arrows on the toolbar like the stored procedure parameters table does)