1. Create Embeddable
2. Click on Create Attribute 3 times
-> 3 attributes are created: untitledAttr, untitledAttr1, untitledAttr2
3. Select untitledAttr and press 'Copy Attribute' button
4. Press Paste button 3 times
-> To the previously created attributes were added 3 more attributes: Copy of untitledAttr (1), Copy of untitledAttr (2), Copy of untitledAttr (3)
5. Press Undo
-> Nothing happens - NOT OK
6. Press Undo again
-> untitledAttr2 is removed
-> Please note that not last action is canceled - NOT OK
7. Press on Undo button a few more times
-> First, the previously created attributes are removed (not copies), and then Embeddable is deleted - NOT OK, wrong logic
8. Now press on Redo button as long as it is active
-> All 'copy of...' are duplicated - NOT OK
see 1.png
Expected: Undo cancels the last action
Dependence on CAY-2312
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