Cayenne modeler seems to behave very strange after changing the relationship type from toMany at toOne: when doing a relationship renamename, it does not validate anymore. It complaints that "ObjRelationship xxx has no DbRelationship mapping", but there is - i.e. all names are consistent.
- reverse engineer a database with many FKs .
- set for some db entities the relationship from toMany to toOne (since they're supposed to be one to one).
- Error 1: Cayenne Modeler doesn't seem to pick this change with the "smart naming strategy" - the field names still remain at plural (exactly how were generated during the reverse engineering process)
- trying to manually change those field names from plural to singular from
- Error 2: project does not validate anymore after this (even if every renaming was done consistently in DB and OBJ relationships too).
Other usability problem:
- in the Attributes tab of an entity, I can see the corresponding DB fields (so I know it was selected correctly), but in the relationships entity tab I can't see this anymore , so I can't possibly know why is cayenne complaining about validity (a visual inspection of all fields in CM shows that it should be correct) .
Also the Log Console shows no errors - only the usual blue logging messages.
What can I do?