When 2 tables
create table module_template_module_parameter (module_template_id int not null, module_parameter_id int not null, value text not null, primary key (module_template_id, module_parameter_id)) type=InnoDB;
create table module_template (id int not null, catalog_id int, module_id varchar(255) not null, template_id int not null, control_id int, coloumn tinyint, instance int not null, ordering int, style varchar(255), user_id varchar(32), primary key (id)) type=InnoDB;
are created with this Cascade delete rule
alter table module_template_module_parameter add index FKmodule_tem396421 (module_template_id), add constraint FKmodule_tem396421 foreign key (module_template_id) references module_template (id) on delete Cascade;
the modeler does not set the delete rule on the created relationship.