New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Something like this:
Class Invoice {
public URL viewInvoice()
Suggestions from Dan:
We could either implement this into the Wicket viewer, whereby it understoods that a returned URL means for it to be opened, or we could do it through a domain service (and the Wicket viewer knows nothing about it).
To try it with the former, take a look at StandaloneValuePanel is a good place to look; you will see I do some "special" processing for handling downloads of blobs and clobs there.
The answer here [x] shows one way to do a redirect (I think I might use a different API, probably equivalent though)
The gist of the latter is to define a service, eg "UrlOpenerService", with the implementatino in the estatio-webapp whereby it has access to all of Wicket framework.