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  1. Causeway
  2. CAUSEWAY-3775

Improve background commands job failure handling




      was: Suspect that failure of background command results in locks being held as attempt to sync exception.


      having looked at the code, can't find a root cause for this per se, but there were several bugs:

      1) we call transactionService.callInTran(...) 3 times, if there's a failure then the two innermost correctly detect and result in setting the xactn to MUST_ABORT, the outer most one didn't and attempted to commit ... but then the MUST_ABORT is noticed and so it is effectively a commit after all.

      2) if there is a failure then the startedAt on the CommandLogEntry, which initially is popluated when the execution starts, but ends up being rolled back to null if there's a failure.  Meantime, the recovery processing was setting the completedAt and the exception stacktrace, but the startedAt is left untouched, ie null.

      Fortuitiously, the query to find non-started queries looks at the startedAt rather than completedAt, and so re-executes.

      3) the logic to execute each command in its own interaction was using REQUIRES_NEW, which suspends the top-level transaction that's started automatically when the interactionService.call..() is called.  the failure within the transactions sets that new transaction as MUST_ABORT, but once finished, the original transaction is resumed and that is still healthy - resulting in the onCompletion publishing to be performed as normal.  This would include the audit trail (EntityChangeTrackerDefault).

      the fixes are:

      1) make sure that rollback is called for the outermost.

      2) provide a new config option (causeway.extensions.command-log.run-background-commands.on-failure-policy) to decide whether to STOP_THE_LINE (this was the accidental but most safe original behaviour) or to CONTINUE_WITH_NEXT.  If the latter, then we do correctly log the exception and move on.

      3) remove the unnecessary nested transactions with REQUIRES_NEW, so that the failure correctly is captured.  This means that no command complete listeners (eg auditing) is performed if there was a failure. 


      to summarise, the new behaviour is (or is intended to be):

      • if onFailurePolicy = STOP_THE_LINE   (the safe, fail-fast mode)
        • execute command (CommandLogEntry)
          • if succeeds, then run publish on interactoin completion (auditing etc)
          • if deadlocks, attempt up to 3x else treat as failure
          • if fails, then do nothing. 
        • The quartz job will pick up the same command again in 10 seconds.  
      • if onFailurePolicy = CONTINUE_WITH_NEXT
        • execute command
          • if succeeds, then run publish on interactoin completion (auditing etc)
          • if deadlocks, attempt up to 3x else treat as failure
          • if fails, then update CommandLogEntry as completed and its exception prop to hold the stack trace.  
        • the quartz job will pick up the next command in 10 seconds.







            danhaywood Daniel Keir Haywood
            danhaywood Daniel Keir Haywood
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