Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
what we have already, of course, is TableColumnOrderService, which is a terrible but rather handy kludge.... it works surprisingly well.
In olden days, before we had layout.xml, the (recently deceased) @MemberOrder sufficed both for the order of fields on an object form, and for the order of columns in a table. But we are well beyond that now. So I think that the table column order should be specified through a completely different mechanism.
1. One is to extend @PropertyLayout with a new element just for column order, eg {{@PropertyLayout(columnOrder="1.0"). }}We would use dewey decimal to allow subtypes to "slot" any columns in as nec.
2. Another annotation-based idea is something like:
public interface Customer {
3. A different idea is to specify this in a separate file, eg "ApplicationUser.columnOrder.txt". That could then be changed at runtime, same as layout files, and could support commenting out as well in order to hide columns.
A separate ongoing spike is to allow actions also being in the table. So whatever option, it would be nice to anticipate this.
Riffing on (3), each row could represent either a property or an actionId. We would provide a service to download it (same as Object_downloadLayout currently).
# properties (this row starts with a '#' so is a comment and is ignored) firstName lastName emailAddress # actions. These would be shown in a separate column as a drop-down. resetPassword # allow comments here also. updateEmail updateFamilyName updateGivenName updateKnownAs