removed ResolveState concept, instead derive state from underlying pojo
- services and view models implicitly always persistent
removed support for manual dirtying of objects:
- isDirty
- clearDirty
- markDirty.
removed support for @Aggregated:
- Any @Aggregated will be picked up by the metamodel validation.
- attempting to call DomainObjectContainer#newAggregatedInstance(...) will throw an exception.
- ObjectAdapter#isAggregated removed
- @Embedded annotation is no longer picked up as aggregated (is simply ignored)
simplified Oid hierarchy
- RootOid
- ParentedCollectionOid
combined OidGenerator and IdentifierGenerator
simplified PersistenceSession, ObjectStore and other supporting components
- removed ObjectStore, now part of PersistenceSession
- removed PojoAdapterFactory, now part of AdapterManager
- removed PersistAlgorithm, now part of PersistenceSession
- removed FrameworkSynchronizer, now part of PersistenceSession
- IsisLifecycleListener is now request-scoped and a subcomponent of PersistenceSession
- ObjectSpecificationDefault no longer instantiates objects, instead this is done by PersistenceSession (remove CreateObjectContext and ObjectInstantiator)
- all subcomponents call back to PersistenceSession which delegates out as necessary
- no longer have two impementations
- use the DataNucleus impl always (and remove unnecessary interface)
Issue Links
- incorporates
CAUSEWAY-534 Does JDO Objectstore ever need to create DataNucleusUpdateObjectCommand commands?
- Closed