An NPE is thrown parsing an INSERT statement when a embedded UDT inside another UDT is set to null inside a set.
This sounds very convoluted, but the examples below will hopefully make it clear...
With the following definitions:
CREATE TYPE ut1 (a int, b int);
CREATE TYPE ut2 (j frozen<ut1>, k int);
CREATE TYPE ut3 (i int, j frozen<ut1>);
CREATE TABLE tab1 (x int PRIMARY KEY, y set<frozen<ut2>>);
CREATE TABLE tab2 (x int PRIMARY KEY, y list<frozen<ut2>>);
CREATE TABLE tab3 (x int PRIMARY KEY, y set<frozen<ut3>>);
This query throws a NullPointerException:
INSERT INTO tab1 (x, y) VALUES (1, {
These however doesn't:
INSERT INTO tab2 (x, y) VALUES (1, [
INSERT INTO tab3 (x, y) VALUES (1, {
So, the bug seems to be triggered only when the UDT is in a set, lists are fine. If the embedded UDT is after the value specified in the query, the bug doesn't seem to trigger.