If a COMPACT STORAGE table is altered using the CLI all information about the column names reverts to the initial "key, column1, column2" namings. Additionally, the changes in the columns name will not take effect until the Cassandra service is restarted. This means that the clients using CQL will continue to work properly until the service is restarted, at which time they will start getting errors about non-existant columns in the table.
When attempting to rename the columns back using ALTER TABLE an error stating the column already exists will be raised. The only way to get it back is to ALTER TABLE and change the comment or something, which will bring back all the original column names.
This seems to be related to CASSANDRA-6676 and CASSANDRA-6370
In cqlsh
Connected to cluster1 at [cqlsh 3.1.8 | Cassandra 1.2.15-SNAPSHOT | CQL spec 3.0.0 | Thrift protocol 19.36.2] Use HELP for help. cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3 }; cqlsh> USE test; cqlsh:test> CREATE TABLE foo (bar text, baz text, qux text, PRIMARY KEY(bar, baz) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE; cqlsh:test> describe table foo; CREATE TABLE foo ( bar text, baz text, qux text, PRIMARY KEY (bar, baz) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND comment='' AND dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND replicate_on_write='true' AND populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND compression={'sstable_compression': 'SnappyCompressor'};
Now in cli:
Connected to: "cluster1" on Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 1.2.15-SNAPSHOT Type 'help;' or '?' for help. Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit. [default@unknown] use test; Authenticated to keyspace: test [default@test] UPDATE COLUMN FAMILY foo WITH comment='hey this is a comment'; 3bf5fa49-5d03-34f0-b46c-6745f7740925
Now back in cqlsh:
cqlsh:test> describe table foo; CREATE TABLE foo ( bar text, column1 text, value text, PRIMARY KEY (bar, column1) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND comment='hey this is a comment' AND dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND replicate_on_write='true' AND populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND compression={'sstable_compression': 'SnappyCompressor'}; cqlsh:test> ALTER TABLE foo WITH comment='this is a new comment'; cqlsh:test> describe table foo; CREATE TABLE foo ( bar text, baz text, qux text, PRIMARY KEY (bar, baz) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND comment='this is a new comment' AND dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND replicate_on_write='true' AND populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND compression={'sstable_compression': 'SnappyCompressor'};