Using ccqlsh, I issue a drop statement for a table and it hangs indefinitely (running cassandra-2.0.3-709-g486f079 from trunk).
Here's the statement:
cqlsh:taskapp> drop table user_task;
Here's the full setup I used:
ccm create test_cluster ccm populate -n 3 ccm start ccm node1 cqlsh CREATE KEYSPACE taskapp WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '3' }; use taskapp; create table user ( user_id timeuuid PRIMARY KEY, first_name text, last_name text, email text ); create table user_task ( task_id timeuuid PRIMARY KEY, user_id timeuuid, task_order int, task_description text, is_complete boolean, is_top_level boolean, subtask_ids list<timeuuid> );
and then the statement which hangs:
drop table user_task;
I also checked that all 3 nodes have the same schema version uuid, using these queries someone shared with me:
cqlsh:taskapp> SELECT rpc_address, schema_version FROM system.peers ... ; rpc_address | schema_version -------------+-------------------------------------- | 6e782241-91e9-3cfa-88c0-88f445a573c1 | 6e782241-91e9-3cfa-88c0-88f445a573c1 (2 rows) cqlsh:taskapp> SELECT schema_version FROM system.local WHERE key='local'; schema_version -------------------------------------- 6e782241-91e9-3cfa-88c0-88f445a573c1 (1 rows)
I checked the logs for all 3 nodes, which I think were normal. Node1 (used in the cqlsh session) showed this message:
INFO [Thrift:3] 2013-12-20 14:29:23,200 - Drop ColumnFamily 'taskapp/user_task'
The other node logs showed no activity that looked related to the attempted drop statement.
Issue Links
- duplicates
CASSANDRA-6472 Node hangs when Drop Keyspace / Table is executed
- Resolved