Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
ConfigHelper allows to set a token input range via the setInputRange(conf, startToken, endToken) call (ConfigHelper:254).
We used this feature to limit a hadoop job range to a single Cassandra node's range, or even to single row key, mostly for testing purposes.
This worked before the fix for CASSANDRA-5536 (, but after this ColumnFamilyInputFormat never uses the value of KeyRange.start_token when defining the input splits (AbstractColumnFamilyInputFormat:142-160), but only KeyRange.start_key, which needs an order preserving partitioner to work.
I propose the attached fix in order to allow defining Cassandra token ranges for a given Hadoop job even when using a non-order preserving partitioner.
Example use of ConfigHelper.setInputRange(conf, startToken, endToken) to limit the range to a single Cassandra Key with RandomPartitioner:
IPartitioner part = ConfigHelper.getInputPartitioner(job.getConfiguration());
Token token = part.getToken(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("Cassandra Key"));
BigInteger endToken = (BigInteger) new BigIntegerConverter().convert(BigInteger.class, part.getTokenFactory().toString(token));
BigInteger startToken = endToken.subtract(new BigInteger("1"));
ConfigHelper.setInputRange(job.getConfiguration(), startToken.toString(), endToken.toString());