New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Won't Fix
Currently, clients must query for row keys from a specific secondary index and delete the results. This incurs network traffic whereas a single server operation would be enough.
==== Example ====
In C* we would have to query for all playlist_id for user "JohnSmith" and issue deletes for each key. Deleting by secondary index would allow the entire operation to occur within C* without the client needing to issue multiple statements.
Delete By Secondary Index
CREATE TABLE playlist (
playlist_id text,
user_id text,
song_name set<text>,
PRIMARY_KEY (playlist_id)
CREATE INDEX on playlist (user_id);
DELETE FROM playlist WHERE user_id = "JohnSmith";
Delete By Client
// Schema
CREATE TABLE playlist (
playlist_id text,
user_id text,
song_name set<text>,
PRIMARY_KEY (playlist_id)
CREATE INDEX on playlist (user_id);
// Client
ResultSet resultSet = session.execute("select playlist_id from playlist where userid = "JohnSmith"");
PreparedStatement delete = session.prepare("DELETE FROM playlist WHERE playlist_id = ?");
for(Row row : resultSet){