cqlsh:test> cqlsh:test> CREATE TABLE testrev ( ... key text, ... rdate timestamp, ... num double, ... PRIMARY KEY(key,rdate) ... ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE ... AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY(rdate DESC); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO testrev(key,rdate,num) VALUES ('foo','2012-01-01',10.5); cqlsh:test> select * from test test. testrev cqlsh:test> select * from testrev ; key | rdate | num -----+----------+------ foo | ☺4-£x? | 10.5 Failed to decode value '\x00\x00\x014\x97\xa3x\x80' (for column 'rdate') as 'org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ReversedType': global name 'self' is not defined cqlsh:test>