[junit-timeout] # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
[junit-timeout] #
[junit-timeout] # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007ff74136f654, pid=1479, tid=1484
[junit-timeout] #
[junit-timeout] # JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (17.0.7+7) (build 17.0.7+7-Ubuntu-0ubuntu120.04)
[junit-timeout] # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (17.0.7+7-Ubuntu-0ubuntu120.04, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
[junit-timeout] # Problematic frame:
[junit-timeout] # V [libjvm.so+0xbbe654] Method::is_method_handle_intrinsic() const+0x4
[junit-timeout] #
[junit-timeout] # Core dump will be written. Default location: /tmp/cassandra/core.1479.%E
[junit-timeout] #
[junit-timeout] # An error report file with more information is saved as:
[junit-timeout] # /tmp/cassandra/hs_err_pid1479.log
[junit-timeout] Compiled method (c2) 101528 17232 4 (method)
[junit-timeout] total in heap [0x00007ff72d5c4d90,0x00007ff72d5c53f8] = 1640
[junit-timeout] relocation [0x00007ff72d5c4ef0,0x00007ff72d5c4f28] = 56
[junit-timeout] main code [0x00007ff72d5c4f40,0x00007ff72d5c5160] = 544
[junit-timeout] stub code [0x00007ff72d5c5160,0x00007ff72d5c5188] = 40
[junit-timeout] oops [0x00007ff72d5c5188,0x00007ff72d5c51a0] = 24
[junit-timeout] metadata [0x00007ff72d5c51a0,0x00007ff72d5c5200] = 96
[junit-timeout] scopes data [0x00007ff72d5c5200,0x00007ff72d5c5320] = 288
[junit-timeout] scopes pcs [0x00007ff72d5c5320,0x00007ff72d5c53c0] = 160
[junit-timeout] dependencies [0x00007ff72d5c53c0,0x00007ff72d5c53d0] = 16
[junit-timeout] handler table [0x00007ff72d5c53d0,0x00007ff72d5c53e8] = 24
[junit-timeout] nul chk table [0x00007ff72d5c53e8,0x00007ff72d5c53f8] = 16
[junit-timeout] Compiled method (c2) 101530 11584 4 (method)
[junit-timeout] total in heap [0x00007ff72d434590,0x00007ff72d4347f8] = 616
[junit-timeout] relocation [0x00007ff72d4346f0,0x00007ff72d434700] = 16
[junit-timeout] main code [0x00007ff72d434700,0x00007ff72d434760] = 96
[junit-timeout] stub code [0x00007ff72d434760,0x00007ff72d434778] = 24
[junit-timeout] oops [0x00007ff72d434778,0x00007ff72d434788] = 16
[junit-timeout] metadata [0x00007ff72d434788,0x00007ff72d434798] = 16
[junit-timeout] scopes data [0x00007ff72d434798,0x00007ff72d4347c0] = 40
[junit-timeout] scopes pcs [0x00007ff72d4347c0,0x00007ff72d4347f0] = 48
[junit-timeout] dependencies [0x00007ff72d4347f0,0x00007ff72d4347f8] = 8
[junit-timeout] #
[junit-timeout] # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
[junit-timeout] # Unknown