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  1. Cassandra
  2. CASSANDRA-11939

Make Read and Write Latency columns consistent for proxyhistograms and tablehistograms

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      It’s triggering my ocd that read and write latency columns are swapped in proxyhistograms vs cfhistograms. I guess the argument against changing it now is that it could screw with some peoples scripts or expectations, but it does make it hard to eyeball when you’re trying to compare local latencies vs coordinator latencies.

      Percentile  SSTables     Write Latency      Read Latency    Partition Size        Cell Count
                                    (micros)          (micros)           (bytes)
      50%             4.00             17.00            770.00              8239                 4
      75%             5.00             24.00            924.00             17084                17
      95%             5.00             35.00          61214.00             51012                24
      98%             6.00             35.00         126934.00            105778                24
      99%             6.00             72.00         152321.00            152321                35
      Min             0.00              9.00             36.00                21                 0
      Max             6.00             86.00         263210.00          20924300              1109
      Percentile      Read Latency     Write Latency     Range Latency
                          (micros)          (micros)          (micros)
      50%                  1331.00            535.00          11864.00
      75%                 17084.00            642.00          20501.00
      95%                219342.00           1331.00          20501.00
      98%                315852.00           2759.00          20501.00
      99%                379022.00           3311.00          20501.00
      Min                   373.00             73.00           9888.00
      Max                379022.00           9887.00          20501.00

      Ideally read and write latencies should be in the same order and the first and second columns on both so they’re directly aligned. The sstables column should be moved to the 3rd column to make way.


        1. 11939-3.11.txt
          3 kB
          Amanda R Debrot
        2. 11939-3.0.txt
          3 kB
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        3. 11939-2.2.txt
          3 kB
          Amanda R Debrot
        4. 11939-trunk.txt
          3 kB
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        5. 11939-output.txt
          2 kB
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        6. 11939-2.2.txt
          3 kB
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        7. 11939-3.0.txt
          3 kB
          Amanda R Debrot
        8. 11939-3.11.txt
          3 kB
          Amanda R Debrot
        9. 11939-trunk.txt
          3 kB
          Amanda R Debrot


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            adeb0001 Amanda R Debrot Assign to me
            jblangston@datastax.com J.B. Langston
            Amanda R Debrot
            Ariel Weisberg
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