a difference in behaviour between SOURCE command in CQLSH 3.1 and 3.2.
In CQLSH 3.1 SOURCE will NOT require "use keyspace" in the cql file that you execute: the "keyspace" directive in the qlshrc file will work and the cql file will be executed.
In CQLSH 3.2.1, SOURCE command requires that "use keyspace" is in the cql file that you are sourcing, otherwise it throws this error:
"No keyspace has been specified. USE a keyspace, or explicitly specify keyspace.tablename".
The "keyspace" directive in cqlshrc is overridden by source command.
steps to reproduce:
create a file called select.cql in your home directory:
echo "CONSISTENCY ONE;" > select.cql echo "select * from tab;" >> select.cql
in cqlsh:
create KEYSPACE kspace WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}; create TABLE tab ( id int primary key); insert into tab (id) VALUES ( 1);
Add this to cqlsgrc:
[authentication] keyspace = kspace
Then exit cqlsh and rerun cqlsh using the cqlshrc just modified.
Note that you are in keyspace "kspace".
source 'select.cql'
this will have different behaviour in CQLSH 3.2 and 3.1