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  1. Cassandra
  2. CASSANDRA-10249

Make buffered read size configurable

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      On read workloads, Cassandra 2.1 reads drastically more data than it emits over the network. This causes problems throughput the system by wasting disk IO and causing unnecessary GC.

      I have reproduce the issue on clusters and locally with a single instance. The only requirement to reproduce the issue is enough data to blow through the page cache. The default schema and data size with cassandra-stress is sufficient for exposing the issue.

      With stock 2.1.9 I regularly observed anywhere from 300:1 to 500 disk:network ratio. That is to say, for 1MB/s of network IO, Cassandra was doing 300-500MB/s of disk reads, saturating the drive.

      After applying this patch for standard IO mode https://gist.github.com/tobert/10c307cf3709a585a7cf the ratio fell to around 100:1 on my local test rig. Latency improved considerably and GC became a lot less frequent.

      I tested with 512 byte reads as well, but got the same performance, which makes sense since all HDD and SSD made in the last few years have a 4K block size (many of them lie and say 512).

      I'm re-running the numbers now and will post them tomorrow.


        1. patched-2.1.9-dstat-lvn10.png
          129 kB
          Albert P Tobey
        2. Screenshot 2015-09-11 09.32.04.png
          307 kB
          Jim Plush
        3. Screenshot 2015-09-11 09.34.10.png
          150 kB
          Jim Plush
        4. stock-2.1.9-dstat-lvn10.png
          135 kB
          Albert P Tobey
        5. yourkit-screenshot.png
          279 kB
          Albert P Tobey


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            atobey@datastax.com Albert P Tobey Assign to me
            atobey@datastax.com Albert P Tobey
            Albert P Tobey
            Aleksey Yeschenko
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