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  1. Camel
  2. CAMEL-7920

Refresh of the camel-jaxb bundle results a strange behaviour



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.13.3, 2.14.1, 2.15.0
    • None
    • None
    • Unknown


      I have a simple test case to demonstrate this issue. Here is the camel route:

      <camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">
        <route id="testServiceRoute">
            <from uri="cxf:bean:testServiceEndpoint"/>
            <log message="Incoming Body:  ${body}"/>
            <to uri="language:constant:classpath:OKResponse.xml"/>
            <log message="Response Body before convert:  ${body}"/>
            <convertBodyTo type="com.test.testservice.TestMessageResponse"/>
            <log message="Response Body after convert:  ${body}"/>

      And the camel-cxf consumer endpoint:

      <cxf:cxfEndpoint id="testServiceEndpoint"
                <entry key="dataFormat" value="PAYLOAD"/>

      I have explicitly set "dataFormat" to default PAYLOAD just for clarity purpose.

      In this simple camel route, I try to change the entire body to a String XML message. As a result, the client will get an empty response back (I mean an empty soap envelope). The reason is due to following method:

      public static Object getBodyFromCamel(org.apache.camel.Message out,
                  DataFormat dataFormat) {
              Object answer = null;
              if (dataFormat == DataFormat.POJO) {
                  answer = out.getBody();
              } else if (dataFormat == DataFormat.PAYLOAD) {
                  answer = out.getBody(CxfPayload.class);
              } else if (dataFormat.dealias() == DataFormat.RAW) {
                  answer = out.getBody(InputStream.class);
              } else if (dataFormat.dealias() == DataFormat.CXF_MESSAGE) {
                  answer = out.getBody();
              return answer;

      Obviously it will return a null object back because it tries to get a body of CxfPayload type. And I also know that above camel route will work fine if I use MESSAGE dataFormat instead.

      However, the strange behaviour aries if I refresh camel-jaxb bundle in Karaf container. The client will get a non-empty response from OKResponse.xml file and everything works fine now. It looks like that when I refreshed camel-jaxb bundle, camel-core's FallbackConverter kicked in and it helped CXF consumer to convert the payload object into POJO.

      If I refreshed camel-core bundle, then above test case would stop working and client would get an empty response (empty soap envelope) back, again. So it looks like that when camel-core bundle's was refreshed, it's new activator was not able to load converters from camel-jaxb bundle since the bundle was already there. So only refreshing of the camel-jaxb bundle would enable camel-core to load the FallbackConverter again, thus helps the test route to work.

      I also tried to change "start-level" of the camel-jaxb bundle to a value much higher than '50', say '80', then it would work the most times.




            njiang Willem Jiang
            joeluo Joe Luo
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